Thanks for responses all. On the first one I bid 2D which of course was a disaster, one off against a non-making 1NT, worse still partner had four good spades. Lesson learnt. Are there any vulnerabilities where people would bid?
On the second hand I went 2S - natural reverse - but I see nobody is telling me to bid that, no doubt because partner can't have four spades. If I'd bid 3D instead then we would have found diamonds easily, for partner's hand was
To be honest, we still should have got there, but this happened: 1H-1NT; 2S-3C; 3D (intended as natural but taken as 4SF)-3H; pass. I don't understand why partner bid 3C instead of 3D (he mentioned something about showing stops for NT, but last I checked J1098xx is still a stop

The third hand, Fluffy, I was actually East

Judging my pile of quacks to not be worth an INV bid, I went for the X to "make some noise" and partner jumped to 4H showing a good hand. I thought I could easily double 4S opposite a huge hand with what might be two trump tricks. When partner pulled my penX of 4S I strongly considered bidding slam but didn't like my lack of aces and the non-fit in clubs.
I wonder if partner should do something else over 2S, e.g. 3S or X. Playing Leaping Michaels doesn't sound like a bad idea (4C over 2S), but even with that, what is the difference between X-then-jump, X-then-cue, X-then-X and a direct jump?
ps. Zelandakh, how do you distinguish between those three types after 2C? Surely there's not enough room...