West leads a ♠, and East wins the Ace. East continues with the K, West discarding an encouraging heart. East now continues with a third spade, which you ruff in dummy. How do you continue?
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Play to make? Matchpoints
Posted 2012-January-28, 10:27
You're playing in a matchpoints event and you pick up a nice hand in second seat (spots approximate):
West leads a ♠, and East wins the Ace. East continues with the K, West discarding an encouraging heart. East now continues with a third spade, which you ruff in dummy. How do you continue?
West leads a ♠, and East wins the Ace. East continues with the K, West discarding an encouraging heart. East now continues with a third spade, which you ruff in dummy. How do you continue?
Posted 2012-January-28, 12:40
Our B/I crew (who are better than many BBO adv and exps) can get this one.
Hi y'all!
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-January-29, 14:50
At teams this one is very easy - play to make. At matchpoints I'm not so sure - Rho might have the ♣Q and be offering a chance to make in order to take us 2 down. I was wondering if we should always play to make, or whether there's any situation where its better to settle for 1 down.
Posted 2012-January-29, 15:35
RHO preempted with ♠AKQ and, apparently, ♥K. He's unlikely to have ♣Q as well
... that would still not be conclusive proof, before someone wants to explain that to me as well as if I was a 5 year-old. - gwnn
Posted 2012-January-29, 15:57
You are undoubled in a sacrifice without necessarily being able to beat game? Also, if you can beat game and are going negative this will be a disaster, as you can bet dollars to donuts that the room will not be in 5d in a normal MP field.
The physics is theoretical, but the fun is real. - Sheldon Cooper
Posted 2012-January-29, 15:59
Quartic, on 2012-January-29, 15:47, said:
Fair point - missed that he must have AKQ♠! (Was re-constructing the hand from memory.) Not sure why you think he has the ♥K though...
also, even if you think east has the club queen you can still play to make by playing a couple of rounds of trumps and ruffing it down, you can cross back in trumps.....
The physics is theoretical, but the fun is real. - Sheldon Cooper
Posted 2012-January-29, 16:04
I am a simple man, I would bet to just play seven rounds of diamonds pitching all the hearts. There is a good chance they will both keep a heart honor.
You will know you got the hand wrong if you see rho throw a heart honour. But the show up squeeze seems like a good line. I have seen worse that lho leading a spade with the AK of hearts. And against most club players if the heart honors are split there is a huge chance they will both keep one. Against a good player you can be sure AKQ of spades is all they have... no chance someone opening three spades with AKQ seventh and the heart K, that is absurd.
You will know you got the hand wrong if you see rho throw a heart honour. But the show up squeeze seems like a good line. I have seen worse that lho leading a spade with the AK of hearts. And against most club players if the heart honors are split there is a huge chance they will both keep one. Against a good player you can be sure AKQ of spades is all they have... no chance someone opening three spades with AKQ seventh and the heart K, that is absurd.
The physics is theoretical, but the fun is real. - Sheldon Cooper
Posted 2012-January-29, 16:04
While Andy is right as usual, there is no need to commit early.
Run diamonds.
If West has the ♣Q he will have to discard his ♥A on the last diamond.
He is very unlikely to discard the ♥A without the ♣Q, unless you rate him to be in the Belladonna class. He does not know his partner has the ♥K
Likewise East is unlikely to discard the ♥K unless holding the ♣Q, admittedly very remote in the first place.
When West keeps the ♥A and East the ♥K no need to finesse.
If West discards the ♥A and East keeps the ♥K you should finesse.
If the finesse loses, hold your own cards closer next time.
Rainer Herrmann
Run diamonds.
If West has the ♣Q he will have to discard his ♥A on the last diamond.
He is very unlikely to discard the ♥A without the ♣Q, unless you rate him to be in the Belladonna class. He does not know his partner has the ♥K
Likewise East is unlikely to discard the ♥K unless holding the ♣Q, admittedly very remote in the first place.
When West keeps the ♥A and East the ♥K no need to finesse.
If West discards the ♥A and East keeps the ♥K you should finesse.
If the finesse loses, hold your own cards closer next time.
Rainer Herrmann
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