The popular auction (at my table and others) was 1♠-1NT, 3♦-4♦, 5♦, which enjoyed varying degrees of success around the room. Oddly nobody in the room found the unbeatable 4S.
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Two singleton kings Crazy club hand last night
Posted 2010-January-02, 17:15
Scoring: MP
The popular auction (at my table and others) was 1♠-1NT, 3♦-4♦, 5♦, which enjoyed varying degrees of success around the room. Oddly nobody in the room found the unbeatable 4S.
Posted 2010-January-02, 18:29
Jlall, on Jan 2 2010, 07:17 PM, said:
4D is very poor, north has an automatic 3S bid.
Actually I thot 4♦ was too rich for my blood and preferred 3♠

"Tell me of your home world, Usul"
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2010-January-03, 03:56
Even after 4♦, South should offer a choice with 4♠. That's where he wants to play opposite J Qxx 109xx Axxxx, as well as any hand with no ace.
... that would still not be conclusive proof, before someone wants to explain that to me as well as if I was a 5 year-old. - gwnn
Posted 2010-January-03, 09:32
For these strong 2-suiter ( M/m ) hands ( where 3m-jump is regarded as GF ),
I have a system for Responder to show key cards with support hands for Opener's 2nd suit-- Diams in this case:
1S - 1NTF!
3D - ??
The rebids for Major support or support for neither are:
3S = minimum, could be as little as 2 card Sp support
4Sjump = limit raise w/ 3 cards ( a hand that would have jumped to 3S after an Opener minimum rebid of say, 2D )
3NT = dislike either of Opener's suits
The remaining "out of focus" bids are then key card "showing" and at least 4 cards Diam, but does not deny 2 cards Sp:
3H! = 0 or 3
4C! = 1 or 4
4D! = 2 - dQ
4H! = 2 + dQ
After 4C!, Opener now knows they are missing 2 Aces and bids 4S for pass or correct to 5D:
1S - 1NTF!
3D - 4C!
4S - pass
I have a system for Responder to show key cards with support hands for Opener's 2nd suit-- Diams in this case:
1S - 1NTF!
3D - ??
The rebids for Major support or support for neither are:
3S = minimum, could be as little as 2 card Sp support
4Sjump = limit raise w/ 3 cards ( a hand that would have jumped to 3S after an Opener minimum rebid of say, 2D )
3NT = dislike either of Opener's suits
The remaining "out of focus" bids are then key card "showing" and at least 4 cards Diam, but does not deny 2 cards Sp:
3H! = 0 or 3
4C! = 1 or 4
4D! = 2 - dQ
4H! = 2 + dQ
After 4C!, Opener now knows they are missing 2 Aces and bids 4S for pass or correct to 5D:
1S - 1NTF!
3D - 4C!
4S - pass
Don Stenmark ( TWOferBRIDGE )
Posted 2010-January-03, 22:02
4♦ is crazy - it is a slam try in diamonds! Over which 4♠ should be a cuebid.
Agree 3♠ is normal.
Agree 3♠ is normal.
--Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else.
--Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else.
Posted 2010-January-03, 23:01
I too interpreted 4D as a slam try in diamonds (and it was an aces-first cuebidding partnership.)
I sure do wish I had better agreements after opener's jump shifts, but I've never had any with any of my partners... so I am mining the forum for ideas
I sure do wish I had better agreements after opener's jump shifts, but I've never had any with any of my partners... so I am mining the forum for ideas

Posted 2010-January-04, 13:18
Here's another example for you, Sieggy... I wonder how many here could get to 7D ??
It illustrates another gimmick in my system-- one that even Ken Rexford might approve of. After "showing" key cards with 4+ support for Opener's minor ( or 2nd suit), the Queen in Opener's Major is an important card that is included in any subsequent trump Q-ask or K-ask:
A x
A K J x x
A Q J x x
x x x
Q x
K T 9 8 x
A T x
1H - 1NTF!
3D - 4D! = 2 - dQ
4S! - 5H = hK or hQ
7D ! ! ( South can pre-count 1s, 5h, 5d, 1c and a black suit ruff
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Responder's choices after the 3D strong-jump-shift:
3H = minimum, could be as little as 2 card Ht support
4H-jump = limit raise w/ 3 cards ( a hand that would have jumped to 3H after an Opener minimum rebid of say, 2D )
3NT = dislike either of Opener's suits
The "out of focus" bids are RKC "showing" for Opener's minor w/4+Diam, but does not deny 2 cards Hts ( or possibly 3 ):
3S! = 0 or 3
4C! = 1 or 4
4D! = 2 - dQ
4S! = 2 + dQ
After the 4D!, then Opener bid 4S! = specific K-ask ( the next-non-sign-off step; 4H and 4NT would be sign-offs )
Responder's replies to 4S!:
4NT = sK
5C = cK
5D = no outside K
5H = hK or hQ ( the only feature-showing bid that is allowed above 5-minor [5D] )
[ Usually, but not guaranteed, in these SJS auctions, Opener will have 2 of the top 3 honors in his Major].
It illustrates another gimmick in my system-- one that even Ken Rexford might approve of. After "showing" key cards with 4+ support for Opener's minor ( or 2nd suit), the Queen in Opener's Major is an important card that is included in any subsequent trump Q-ask or K-ask:
A x
A K J x x
A Q J x x
x x x
Q x
K T 9 8 x
A T x
1H - 1NTF!
3D - 4D! = 2 - dQ
4S! - 5H = hK or hQ
7D ! ! ( South can pre-count 1s, 5h, 5d, 1c and a black suit ruff
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Responder's choices after the 3D strong-jump-shift:
3H = minimum, could be as little as 2 card Ht support
4H-jump = limit raise w/ 3 cards ( a hand that would have jumped to 3H after an Opener minimum rebid of say, 2D )
3NT = dislike either of Opener's suits
The "out of focus" bids are RKC "showing" for Opener's minor w/4+Diam, but does not deny 2 cards Hts ( or possibly 3 ):
3S! = 0 or 3
4C! = 1 or 4
4D! = 2 - dQ
4S! = 2 + dQ
After the 4D!, then Opener bid 4S! = specific K-ask ( the next-non-sign-off step; 4H and 4NT would be sign-offs )
Responder's replies to 4S!:
4NT = sK
5C = cK
5D = no outside K
5H = hK or hQ ( the only feature-showing bid that is allowed above 5-minor [5D] )
[ Usually, but not guaranteed, in these SJS auctions, Opener will have 2 of the top 3 honors in his Major].
Don Stenmark ( TWOferBRIDGE )
Posted 2010-January-04, 14:12
gnasher, on Jan 3 2010, 04:56 AM, said:
Even after 4♦, South should offer a choice with 4♠. That's where he wants to play opposite J Qxx 109xx Axxxx, as well as any hand with no ace.
It is not unusual in a partnership without too many gadgets to jump shift to a 2 or 3 card suit with a very strong one-suited hand (just short of a 2♣ opening).
That would be my interpretation of the 4♠ bid over 4♦. It would not be offering a choice of contracts.
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