Posted 2022-September-30, 11:20
At the table, my concern was that giving partner an immediate ruff might endplay him…obviously he has a safe diamond exit but then what do I do on a spade to the King?
If declarer has KQJxx AQxx xx xx, I can’t win the ace, since anything but a diamond let’s him draw trump, ending in dummy
KQxxx AQxx Kx xx…..again, no defence.
KQJxx AJxx Kx xx…..
These last two examples are slightly less likely than the first…or KQxxx AQJx xx xx/ KQJxx AQJx xx xx
But basically most hands where we can go plus require partner having the heart king and two spades so those who switched to hearts, as I did at the table, go plus.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari