Without the Double of 3♦ West would bid 4♣, but now the bots stopped in 3♦X with 7 tricks instead of making 10 tricks in a ♣-contract
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Something is wrong here
Posted 2022-August-18, 06:24
Without the Double of 3♦ West would bid 4♣, but now the bots stopped in 3♦X with 7 tricks instead of making 10 tricks in a ♣-contract
Thorvald Aagaard
Mobile : +45 22 99 55 25
Mobile : +45 22 99 55 25
Posted 2022-August-18, 07:21
Yes, there a some obvious contract improvements which GIB misses. Presumably, biddiing 4♣ over the double is a free bid and therefore shows some values?
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
Posted 2022-August-18, 15:03
pescetom, on 2022-August-18, 14:31, said:
.. and why on earth NS do not reach 4♠ 

I think this is the key problem here. When I simulate this, West does bid 4♣ most of the time, though sometimes decides to pass. But in all of the simulations, it's extrapolating a lot of opponent continuations to determine the final outcome.
Eg, in the simulation where it came up with pass winning, most of the simulated deals ended with a contract of 4♠ whether you pass OR bid 4♣, because GIB hates passing penalty doubles and it's relying on this when completing the auction. While it did see the double being passed a couple of times for bad scores, it also thought that sometimes passing put the opponents in 3♠, while bidding 4♣ either was going down several tricks, or pushed them into a making spade game..
In one of the deals it even found a bug in the early version of the database (doesn't exist now though), thinking one opponent would cue 4♦ and the other pass it :/
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