what do you open?
Posted 2022-April-10, 09:06
IMP pairs. You are playing 5CM, 2♣ is game forcing, you have no opening bid to show an Acol strong two hand. First to call, all vuln, what do you open?
Posted 2022-April-10, 09:30
Posted 2022-April-10, 10:32

IMO, this isn't even a max for a 1H opening. The other day I held:
and opened 1H. I was feeling ill when partner passed, but managed to recover when RHO balanced with 2C. My 6D call still left us underbid, but it was good enough for 12 imps in the robot challenge. At the other table the robots struggled to find 4H after a 2C opening (admittedly, it looks like the weak hand passed a cuebid so it may not be the most convincing example). And to be honest, I don't think I could have justified 1H if a real partner was involved - but it's still close.
Posted 2022-April-10, 11:24
Needless to say you’re better placed if the auction comes back at 4S having started 1H - 2S - p - 4S than 2C - 2S - p or X depending what it shows - 4S
Posted 2022-April-10, 11:26
How wrong I was:
A novel and slightly embarassing way to miss a vulnerable game at IMPS. Opponents have nine spades and 16 HCP between them including four of the top five honors and can't find a bid. What are the odds?
Posted 2022-April-10, 11:31
Posted 2022-April-10, 11:56
DavidKok, on 2022-April-10, 11:31, said:
Thanks. I judged it as a borderline 2♣ opening but I don't like opening 2♣ with 5+-5+ shape. I wondered after whether my judgement was wrong, but it looks like there is some support for my decision. I'm not going to dwell on it, it is very rare I pick up these big two suiters.
Posted 2022-April-10, 13:19
One of my favourite sayings is ‘methods count’
Here, playing kokish (aka birthright) after 2C 2D, I have a way to show a heart club two suiter. Standard kokish would be 2C 2D 2H 2S 3C
Commonly modified kokish switches the meanings of the delayed 3C and 3H, so that 3C shows a one suiter and 3H shows hearts and clubs. I play that in one partnership. In the other, we use 3S over 2S to show clubs and hearts.
I think the risk of missing game or slam is too great to open 1H. Three years ago, I might have viewed it differently
Note that Kxxxx in clubs and nothing else makes 6C pretty good.
Btw, in my souped up kokish partnership, we respond 2D on virtually all hands with at least a king, even with, say, AQxxx in spades. Thus we get to use kokish a lot, when we have the right hand, without responder preempting us.
Posted 2022-April-11, 02:45
mikeh, on 2022-April-10, 13:19, said:
One of my favourite sayings is ‘methods count’
Here, playing kokish (aka birthright) after 2C 2D, I have a way to show a heart club two suiter. Standard kokish would be 2C 2D 2H 2S 3C
Commonly modified kokish switches the meanings of the delayed 3C and 3H, so that 3C shows a one suiter and 3H shows hearts and clubs. I play that in one partnership. In the other, we use 3S over 2S to show clubs and hearts.
I think the risk of missing game or slam is too great to open 1H. Three years ago, I might have viewed it differently
Note that Kxxxx in clubs and nothing else makes 6C pretty good.
Btw, in my souped up kokish partnership, we respond 2D on virtually all hands with at least a king, even with, say, AQxxx in spades. Thus we get to use kokish a lot, when we have the right hand, without responder preempting us.
Unfortunately we don't play Kokish.
Posted 2022-April-11, 02:59
Given the strong suit, 2C is certainly not a bad option, but i am also not against 1H.
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2022-April-11, 04:57
AL78, on 2022-April-10, 11:26, said:
1♥+4 quite likely flat against 4♠x-1 if you don't bid 5♥ and you don't want to be in 5♥ if partner has the other minor suit K.
Posted 2022-April-11, 10:59
mikeh, on 2022-April-10, 13:19, said:
One of my favourite sayings is ‘methods count’
Here, playing kokish (aka birthright) after 2C 2D, I have a way to show a heart club two suiter. Standard kokish would be 2C 2D 2H 2S 3C
Commonly modified kokish switches the meanings of the delayed 3C and 3H, so that 3C shows a one suiter and 3H shows hearts and clubs. I play that in one partnership. In the other, we use 3S over 2S to show clubs and hearts.
I think the risk of missing game or slam is too great to open 1H. Three years ago, I might have viewed it differently
Note that Kxxxx in clubs and nothing else makes 6C pretty good.
Btw, in my souped up kokish partnership, we respond 2D on virtually all hands with at least a king, even with, say, AQxxx in spades. Thus we get to use kokish a lot, when we have the right hand, without responder preempting us.
You'd better have a strong agreement (recently reviewed!) about the auction 2♣ - (4♠) - ?
Which is to say you must not do with a stranger.
Posted 2022-April-11, 11:47
bluenikki, on 2022-April-11, 10:59, said:
Which is to say you must not do with a stranger.
I would bid 4N over 4S and not have any concern that any player I’m likely to play with would misunderstand
I may play 5C when 5H is better, but one can’t have everything
4N shows a marked two suiter. Responder bids the cheapest suit in which he wants to play, knowing that I may have any of the three possible two suited hands
5C says he prefers clubs to diamonds.
5D says he prefers either red to clubs
With say 3433 he bids diamonds since if I have the minors, diamonds rate to be equivalent to clubs while if I have hearts, 5D says he can handle hearts as trump.
But I don’t play much with non experts so I’m lucky in that regard.
Posted 2022-April-11, 11:56
Unlike mikeh, I do play with some players whom I would not expect to understand it. Generally I know who belongs in what category. With a stranger on BBO, I'd bid 4N and not really care if I was misunderstood; it's not like it counts for anything, and maybe my partner would learn a new expert standard treatment.
Posted 2022-April-11, 13:15
mikeh, on 2022-April-11, 11:47, said:
I may play 5C when 5H is better, but one can’t have everything
4N shows a marked two suiter. Responder bids the cheapest suit in which he wants to play, knowing that I may have any of the three possible two suited hands
5C says he prefers clubs to diamonds.
5D says he prefers either red to clubs
With say 3433 he bids diamonds since if I have the minors, diamonds rate to be equivalent to clubs while if I have hearts, 5D says he can handle hearts as trump.
But I don’t play much with non experts so I’m lucky in that regard.
That is *your* call if 4 spades is followed by two passes. Is partner forced to pass???
Posted 2022-April-11, 13:31
bluenikki, on 2022-April-11, 13:15, said:
I always discuss a few topics with any partner, if we have enough time. One of them is the meaning of pass or double over interference. I can’t ever recall specifically discussing a 4s overcall, but the meta rule will apply
In one partnership we just changed to pass is a weakness bid and double shows values (creates a gf over lower interference) while in the other, we double with weakness and pass with values
In either case, I bid 4N. No competent player would think I’m showing a balanced hand, lol. Double would be either a big notrump or 3 suited, in both cases. With some expectation of it being left in by a flat weakish hand.
Posted 2022-April-11, 19:22
mikeh, on 2022-April-11, 13:31, said:
I always discuss a few topics with any partner, if we have enough time. One of them is the meaning of pass or double over interference. I can’t ever recall specifically discussing a 4s overcall, but the meta rule will apply
In one partnership we just changed to pass is a weakness bid and double shows values (creates a gf over lower interference) while in the other, we double with weakness and pass with values
In either case, I bid 4N. No competent player would think I’m showing a balanced hand, lol. Double would be either a big notrump or 3 suited, in both cases. With some expectation of it being left in by a flat weakish hand.
My question is whether partner is barred from *bidding* over 4♠. Your rebid plan depends on that, no?
Posted 2022-April-11, 21:06
bluenikki, on 2022-April-11, 19:22, said:
I’m not in the habit of barring partner. Nor are my partners in the habit of making silly bids over 4S. I don’t recall this ever coming up at the table, but partner would need a very unusual hand to bid over 4S before letting me take a bid. But that doesn’t mean he’s barred…just that he has to be sensible.
Posted 2022-April-11, 21:33
bluenikki, on 2022-April-11, 19:22, said:
I think the rebid plan is pretty clear:
If partner passes or doubles, bid 4N.
If partner bids 5C or 5H, raise to 6.
If partner bids 5D, bid 5H.
Partner's 4N is also 2 places to play, so 5N (you pick!)
Posted 2022-April-12, 00:12
bluenikki, on 2022-April-11, 19:22, said:
Partner can bid over 4♠ if they have a hand which justifies it e.g. some values and a long suit, but it would be rare for partner to hold such a hand.
I remember a hand where I opened 1♦, LHO overcalled 4♠, and partner responded with 5♥. I held a strong hand, heart support, controls and plenty of trick taking potential so raised to 6♥. Partner had a few values with a decent long heart suit.