Bidding question What should South bid in this situation?
Posted 2022-February-13, 22:27
South holds:
♠K ♥A94 ♦Q753 ♣KJ865
My personal bid was X. The intent was to show at least 3+ in every other suit, and roughly opening points.
My partner says this is not the best bid, and wants me to bid 2C instead. On one hand it does immediately show a 5 card suit, but doesn't convey anything about other suits.
However I'm not convinced this is the best bid, for this simple reason: My partner can now easily compete in any suit if he's got a good 4 card or 5 card suit.
What do people think?
Posted 2022-February-13, 23:01
The club suit is too weak for me to bid 2C, if I have any alternative. In addition, while not an absolute rule, I like to have a 6 card suit for a 2 level overcall.obviously that isnt always possible, but imo one definitely needs a good suit. They can double us for penalty more often at the two level than at the one level, where my approach is a lot more flexible.
Fwiw, I dont think much of this hand at all. Short hearts. Weak suits with no intermediates and that stiff spade King, which may well be useful on defence but usually wont be much of an asset if we declare the hand, especially if I lay down dummy.
These days, one has to take some action just to stay with the field .everyones bidding so, if it doesnt work out, we have ample company. If we pass, wed better be right, since well have little company.
I think the odds slightly favour bidding, hence double.
Posted 2022-February-13, 23:20
Posted 2022-February-13, 23:57
Posted 2022-February-14, 00:06
Posted 2022-February-14, 02:54
I would double over pass always. The hand is offensively oriented, and if we pass we will likely face the same issue but a level or two higher next round. Quick in, quick out.
Posted 2022-February-14, 04:29
Vulnerability would matter if bidding 2♣ and the shape wasn't there for the takeout
Posted 2022-February-14, 05:18
Posted 2022-February-14, 06:01
If you want to do something with this hand, then the chance of finding an 8-card fit is probably similar for double and 2♣. 2♣ might be a bit better when partner is a passed hand (especially if you play an undisciplined preempt style so partner's pass suggest a balanced hand) while dbl tends to work a bit better opposite a partner who could still have a 6-card diamonds or hearts. The risk of going for -800 or worse if bigger for 2♣ than dbl so vulnerability is also a consideration.
2♣ doesn't disturb opps over a 1♠ opening and could actually help opps a bit if they play 2/1 as LHO now gets the chance to make a negative double instead of the non-descriptive 1NT response. But over a 1♥ opening, the disruptive effect of 2♣ is worth consideriing, especially if they play 4-card majors.
2♣ is also lead directing but in this case you might not have a strong preference for a club lead, and you are likely to be on lead yourself, especially if they play 5-card majors.
Above all it is important to have an understanding with partner. If you always double with this shape, partner will know that they can raise your clubs aggressively but they can't assume that you have four hearts when you double.
As you can see from the other comments, almost all modern experts would double.
Posted 2022-February-14, 07:11
helene_t, on 2022-February-14, 06:01, said:
I no longer have the notes from my calculations, but:
Suppose you have 5431 shape with shortness in opener's suit. Suppose also that an angel has whispered in your ear that your side has an 8-card fit.
Then the chance that is in your 5-card suit is significantly lower than the combined chances that it is in your 3- or 4-card.
Posted 2022-February-14, 07:39
bluenikki, on 2022-February-14, 07:11, said:
Suppose you have 5431 shape with shortness in opener's suit. Suppose also that an angel has whispered in your ear that your side has an 8-card fit.
Then the chance that is in your 5-card suit is significantly lower than the combined chances that it is in your 3- or 4-card.
Yes but partner would prefer to bid a 4-card hearts to a 4-card diamonds.
But quite possibly you are right anyway.
Posted 2022-February-14, 09:00
bluenikki, on 2022-February-14, 07:11, said:
Suppose you have 5431 shape with shortness in opener's suit. Suppose also that an angel has whispered in your ear that your side has an 8-card fit.
Then the chance that is in your 5-card suit is significantly lower than the combined chances that it is in your 3- or 4-card.
My worry is that unless the angel also whispers in my partner's ear that it's only an 8 card fit, we might well get too high
Posted 2022-February-14, 10:48
bluenikki, on 2022-February-14, 07:11, said:
Then the chance that is in your 5-card suit is significantly lower than the combined chances that it is in your 3- or 4-card.
This sounds like something from Ely Culbertson to me

You may be right, but my gut feeling is that the combined chances of the short suits will be about the same as the long suit.
Posted 2022-February-14, 13:16
pescetom, on 2022-February-14, 10:48, said:

You may be right, but my gut feeling is that the combined chances of the short suits will be about the same as the long suit.
It has to be factored in that that the probability of finding the fit in one of the short suits after a TOX should it exist is less than 100%. For example, partner with 4-4 in the red suits will likely bid hearts in preference to diamonds.
Posted 2022-February-14, 14:22
AL78, on 2022-February-14, 13:16, said:
I was referring to the statistical probability of fit, but of course you are right in terms of actually finding a fit. Many with 4 hearts and 5 clubs would bid hearts after double, come to that. There is however also the issue that 2♣ is not very preemptive and if made on 5=cards then a raise requires 4+card fit to be protected by LoTT. There is also vulnerability, not specified here.
Posted 2022-February-14, 16:32
helene_t, on 2022-February-14, 06:01, said:
This point is the crux of the objection in my view. 2C is much more committal than double, so when you're wrong you can be very wrong. And partner won't be able to save you very much. If your partner sees the auction:
(1S) - 2C - (P) - P
(X) - P - (P) - ?
They won't be able to run much of the time even when it's right. Are they really bidding 2D with KTxxx and two small clubs, for example? And if you hear that auction you know you're in trouble long before dummy hits.
Contrast this to the difficulty of effectively penalising your side after a double. They're off to a good start if LHO can redouble to show values, but they still have to have the appropriate trump holding even if you wind up in some trouble. And if you belong in clubs, partner may well be able to pass to show no preference and you can scramble there anyway. Often the opponents can't quite untangle their holdings and wind up just bidding some suits or jumping to 3NT.
Posted 2022-February-14, 17:18
nuttypro, on 2022-February-13, 22:27, said:
South holds:
♠K ♥A94 ♦Q753 ♣KJ865
My personal bid was X. The intent was to show at least 3+ in every other suit, and roughly opening points.
My partner says this is not the best bid, and wants me to bid 2C instead. On one hand it does immediately show a 5 card suit, but doesn't convey anything about other suits.
However I'm not convinced this is the best bid, for this simple reason: My partner can now easily compete in any suit if he's got a good 4 card or 5 card suit.
What do people think?
if you polled 100 experts on that hand, I can almost guarantee that none of them would bid 2C. It's just a bad bid, deserves to find partner 3541 or some such where you're down in 2C and cold for 4H. I think it's a pretty clear double, can't give up with this good a hand, but even passing is significantly better than 2C. your partner is just plain wrong.
Posted 2022-February-14, 18:34
Posted 2022-February-14, 21:27
I have an add on to my original question: let's say bidding goes:
N - declarer, my partner, is dealer and has passed. Agreement that we open with 11pt.
Both Vul.
To refresh everyone's memory, South holds:
♠ K ♥ A94 ♦Q753 ♣KJ865
North East South West
Pass 1♠ ?
Same question as before: X, 2C or pass? The only options I was considering were pass or X. I felt it was the only time I can get into the auction, and I did not think 2c is a good bid.
Posted 2022-February-14, 22:09
The vulnerability isn't great for you to act either. With game being mostly out of the picture, being vul means there is a larger downside to acting. This is particularly true at matchpoints where opponents will often make a speculative double looking for +200. If they do that, you know they're likely to be rewarded. However, this is balanced at matchpoints by the chance to compete and not let them have a smooth auction to whatever they were going to reach.
Another point which Mike raised is that your hand is probably worth one more trick on defence than offence. Your SK will get picked off when your side declares the hand, which argues for conservative decisions.
No clear answers, I'm afraid - there are positives and negatives when partner's a passed hand. The scoring method also offers positives and negatives to be considered. The most important point is to know whether this hand is within range of a double in your partnership's style. I think it should be, but would not criticise a partnership for deciding this is too flawed for a double.