Posted 2021-August-21, 01:17
I agree: at the table we’d know or could ask about the double
My opinion is that this should be for the majors, but most of my opponents seem to think it shows spades….I think that’s suboptimal by an unpassed hand and very poor indeed by a passed hand, who therefore can’t (for most) hold 6 reasonable spades. Doubling on a 5 card suit with too little to have opened strikes me as suicidal….we play redouble suggests playing there…opener has extras and a chunky 4card spade suit.
As it is, I think my call is obvious: pass. I’d rather try to beat 1S than declare 2S😃 and iN likely plays poorly for us, since they presumably have at least a fit in a minor, and at least half the deck, with the opening lead.
Also, unless the opps are on solid grounds as to what their calls mean, it’s unlikely North is sitting for it, and we can d3cide later whether to bid 2S.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
JillBean 'teams 1♠ denies a 4 card major, what now?'
I rank
1. Pass. Unwilling to confuse the issue.
2. 2♠.