Vanilla 2/1. Hopefully you agree with 1♣. What next?
An unexpected response
Posted 2020-December-14, 07:46
Posted 2020-December-14, 09:46
Posted 2020-December-14, 10:46
Cyberyeti, on 2020-December-14, 07:46, said:
If you don't blast 4NT, how do you distinguish between the various relevant hands?
London UK
Posted 2020-December-14, 13:11
In a similar vein to what Cyberyeti suspected, partner held one ace and five small trumps, and we missed a trivial laydown slam since neither of us knew the other held an extra trump.
Is this an unsolvable problem?
Posted 2020-December-14, 14:06
Or similar if you play a 2S artificial gadget.
Posted 2020-December-14, 15:27
smerriman, on 2020-December-14, 13:11, said:
In a similar vein to what Cyberyeti suspected, partner held one ace and five small trumps, and we missed a trivial laydown slam since neither of us knew the other held an extra trump.
Is this an unsolvable problem?
I would go with 4NT too and face the same situation as smerriman and nige1.
I don't mean to hijack this thread but (theoretically speaking) shouldn't North reevaluate the situation and raise to 6♥ when holding 5 trumps? Logically, South's action of jumping directly to 4NT must be based on a solid club suit, excellent trumps and no voids. Something like the actual South hand or like ♠x ♥AQxx ♦A ♣AKQJxxx or ♠x ♥KQJx ♦A ♣AKQJxxx. On the flip side, South could hold hands searching for 2 key cards out of missing 3 for slam --- for example, the actual hand but with ♥Q instead of ♥K or something like ♠x ♥AQJx ♦x ♣AKQJxxx
Is there basis for North to proceed onward to slam (or Grand slam with Cyberyeti's example hand) unilaterally?
Posted 2020-December-14, 16:36
gordontd, on 2020-December-14, 10:46, said:
I have system here, but no guarantees, we have 2 ways of bidding 1♣-1♥-4♣ that show different things.
The sequence above basically says "I only care about aces in the side suits, no other honours"
So say the auction goes 1♣-1♥-4♣-4♦-4♠(asking aces)-5♦(2 without)-5N our agreement about 5N is that it asks for something I can't ask about in any other way which really has to be a 5th trump on this auction. I don't have this luxury opposite ONE ace and 5 trumps.
I could equally start with 1♣-1♥-2N (GF unbalanced) and if partner has say 5-5 in the reds I will hear that immediately as he won't use the semi forced 3♣.
Playing standard methods it's much more difficult. Also the probability of a 5th heart changes if as we do you would respond 1♦ any time you had 4 and only 4 hearts.
Posted 2020-December-14, 18:20
JTxx: 57.9130% (10 ways)
Jxxx: 53.1304% (10 ways)
xxxx: 40.6957% (15 ways)
49.1677% overall opposite 4 cards
JTxxx: 89% (10)
other: 78% (11)
83.2381% overall opposite 5 cards
So the cases of a 5 card suit are enough to lift the odds past 50%.
If partner shows two aces without the queen, it's going to be a more difficult decision.
Posted 2020-December-20, 07:07
Cyberyeti, on 2020-December-20, 04:45, said:
In our agreements 3♦ would be splinter, 4♦ is undefined and 5♦ exclusion.
It would make sense to use one of 3♦/4♦ as singleton splinter and the other as void splinter, I guess (I'm not enthusiastic about the alternative of 4♦ exclusion).
Posted 2020-December-20, 07:58
pescetom, on 2020-December-20, 07:07, said:
It would make sense to use one of 3♦/4♦ as singleton splinter and the other as void splinter, I guess (I'm not enthusiastic about the alternative of 4♦ exclusion).
Our system has the peculiarity that we have 2 ways of bidding most of these things because of the GF unbal 2N rebid (I know Gnasher long suggested 2♠ for this purpose also), so 4♦ is unambiguously a void.
Agree with 1♣. Now I rank
1. 4N = RKC. Reduce opportunity for interreference and KISS.
2. 4♣ = F/J Descriptive.
3. 3♠/4♦ = SPL but misdescriptive.