Just curious what others do.
For context, shortly after the ACBL did away with the GCC, we've been having fun with Transfer Walsh.
We play the type where we open a short club on all out-of-NT-range balanced hands except those w/ 5 Ds.
We accept the transfer with 3 pcs or with 2 pcs and a minimum balanced hand.
But when the transfer gets doubled we have extra options.
Now we can pass with a min balanced hand with 2 pcs and only accept with 3 pcs.
We don't need the redbl as support. So, we're free to choose something else useful.
Since club length can get lost with short club, we use the redbl here to show exactly a 5-card club suit.
As far as I know, I made that up myself. What does everyone else do?
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T-Walsh Question What do you do when the transfer is doubled?
Posted 2020-August-30, 01:09
I accept the transfer with the minimum balanced hand and three-card support.
We use redouble as a support redouble: three-card support with shortage or with a stronger hand. This leaves 1NT as the strong balanced hand.
(Then we actually swap the meanings of redouble and 1NT because we noticed that Lauria and Versace did that in competition)
We use redouble as a support redouble: three-card support with shortage or with a stronger hand. This leaves 1NT as the strong balanced hand.
(Then we actually swap the meanings of redouble and 1NT because we noticed that Lauria and Versace did that in competition)
Posted 2020-August-30, 04:38
After 1♣-1red(dbl)
1M = limited hand with 3-card support (often a weak NT)
XX = good hand with 3-card support (intermediate+ unbalanced or strong balanced)
1N = strong bal without 3-card support
pass = balanced without 3-card support (suggests weak NT but may have strong NT wanting the doubler to lead)
other bids = as without the double (nonfit bids usually deny 3-card support)
As paulg suggests you may interchange XX and 1NT in some way. Keep in mind, however, that 1NT should be NF.
1M = limited hand with 3-card support (often a weak NT)
XX = good hand with 3-card support (intermediate+ unbalanced or strong balanced)
1N = strong bal without 3-card support
pass = balanced without 3-card support (suggests weak NT but may have strong NT wanting the doubler to lead)
other bids = as without the double (nonfit bids usually deny 3-card support)
As paulg suggests you may interchange XX and 1NT in some way. Keep in mind, however, that 1NT should be NF.
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