3 passes to South who opens 2C
This hand came up in a local Swiss team event. We ended up in 6♥ which goes down one due to a 4-1 trump split (W holding ♥Q963). The proper contract is 6D which makes on any distribution except 5-0 split of hearts. So my question, how would you bid this? If you use controls, why?
The textbook bids get you into trouble (how do you get to slam?):
2C - 2N (8 - 10 balanced)
3D - 3H (xfer)
4D (is this a 2nd suit or a control?)
If you assume it's a 2nd suit, you end up in 5D and then what?
After reading Larry Cohen's discussion on 2C, he never bids NT directly after 2C. So now I'm inclined to bid this way:
2C - 2D (waiting)
2H - 2N (2 or fewer H, decent hand)
3D - 4D
5C - 5S
How would you bid this?