steve2005, on 2017-December-07, 10:43, said:
How did they make 6? Looks like it takes a defensive error.
The final contract isn't shown, but presumably 6
♠ is the final contract.
Obviously a club or heart opening lead lets 6 make and with North having 10 HCP, it is more likely that one of those leads is a mistake rather than just "unlucky". That's my guess as to why 6 was made, and I would give odds that
♣A was the opening lead.
A trump lead would give an expert declarer a chance to get this right. If you assume North has
♣A and
♥K for the passive spade lead, then you might risk a 2nd round diamond ruff, and win, the first spade in hand, play 2 rounds of diamonds, ruff a diamond, cross to dummy with a trump, play the last winning diamond and a few trumps.
When the
♣J isn't covered or the ace played, duck and North will be end played.
I don't think GIB is capable of that play so that's why I think North led a heart or club.