The North London club ventured forth into the Garden Cities Regional Final yesterday and the Rabbit, North, was lucky to survive a ruling on this board. He wasn't sure whether 4C was Gerber, and whether they played DOPI and ROPI when it was doubled, so he just rebid his six-card spade suit. Dummy was put down with the ace of diamonds in with South's hearts. East led a club and West switched to the king of diamonds which held, and another diamond ruffed by North. Declarer ruffed a club, drew the trump with the ace, and led a small heart from North and called for the ace from dummy. South played the ace of diamonds, nobody noticing still, and now RR led a second heart from South. West put in the king, and when RR won with the real ace of hearts, the TD was called, as TT, South, thought it was unlikely that there were two aces of hearts in the same deck. The TD ruled that dummy had revoked, but had not "won" the revoke trick and then declarer had led a heart out of turn and West had accepted this. He ruled ten tricks.
However, in the pub afterwards, Oscar the Owl, who joined the team, thought that this ruling was wrong, as the trick that declarer thought he had won with dummy's ace of diamonds had actually been won by West with the four of hearts, and dummy's revoke was now established when North captured the king of hearts with his ace. Also declarer still had a heart and a diamond to lose, so was actually two down (including what he thought was the penalty for the revoke). The question now is what is the correct ruling, and if there was TD error, what is the correction time for that? As it happens, the North London club qualified anyway.