Posted 2017-April-24, 14:33
On the bidding and play to tricks 1 & 2, West has 6 diamonds and East has 2 diamonds.
There are 3 key cards you have to place, ♠K, ♥A, ♣K
If West has all 3, you have to try to drop a singleton ♠K (else you lose a spade, club, (1 or 2)hearts, and diamond)
If West has ♠K, ♥A, you have to play ♠A and a spade. If you finesse in spades, West can play a diamond for East to ruff (unless spades are 3-1) and you have to lose 2 hearts, a spade and diamond). You can draw trump, pitch a heart on a good diamond, and take a couple of club finesses.
If West has ♠K, ♣K, you have to try to drop a singleton ♠K, or you lose a spade, club, heart, diamond
If West has ♥A, ♣K, you have to take a spade finesse.
West should have at least 2 of the 3 keycards for a 2♦ overcall. So, I would play ♠A and a spade.