4NT over 4D
Posted 2015-August-24, 00:11
♠ K3
♥ xx
♦ AKQ109xxx
♣ Q
In second seat, vul, I opened 4D. Before shooting me for that (and I actually defend it on some level), what should I have bid after partner responded 4NT? Should I have assumed it was Blackwood? Is 4NT ALWAYS Blackwood?
I generally interact in beginner's forum (or squat there), but I am hoping for some more diverse opinions.
Posted 2015-August-24, 00:39
So for me, 4N would be to play.
Then your only problem comes if your 4D opener was outside the parameters of that hopefully narrow agreement.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2015-August-24, 01:35
2nd position is the worst to deviate from the tried and true well defined preempts with strong offense-defense ratio(ODR).
After the execution, read the comments, and drag yourself back to the beginner-novice area. Do not post another question up
here for a week, or being shot will be the least of your worries.
As far as I can recall all the ACBL Encyclopedias and all my books on preempts define 4NT as an asking bid, either for aces or key cards.
Use whichever you normally use. Even my British preempt book agrees, so this treatment is probably common in acol land as well as ACBL land,
the opinion of the previous Briton notwithstanding.
Posted 2015-August-24, 01:41
Posted 2015-August-24, 01:57
FrancesHinden, on 2015-August-24, 01:41, said:
The question I ask is not what you play, but what do others in the acol empire play? Although another expert
British vote for natural may help Wombatica, God rest his soul.
Posted 2015-August-24, 05:20
That 4NT in this spot would be Blackwood by default does not mean that 4NT is always Blackwood though. For an obvious example, a 4NT response to a 1NT opening is not Blackwood of any form. Over preempts, a common agreement is for 4♦ to be Blackwood after a 3♣ or 4♣ opening and 4♣ to be the ask after a 3♦, 3♥ or 3♠ opening. That might be something to discuss with a regular partner once you feel confident enough to add some additional complexity. At novice level, a decent, if sub-optimal, rule is that 4NT is always natural after a natural NT bid from partner and always Blackwood after partner's natural suit bid (unless this obviously makes no sense). As you progress you will encounter many more situations where you will want to use 4NT as something other than Blackwood - again, this is something to discuss with a regular partner at some point.
Posted 2015-August-24, 05:31
Same goes for:
1M-(4m)-4NT is trickier.
1♣-(4♦)-4NT is also tricky as 4NT is probably best used as an unspecified ♣ "slam try" (not asking for aces, just showing that you have a good 5♣ bid).
I agree with the others that I hate the 4♦ opening.
George Carlin
Posted 2015-August-24, 05:58
Posted 2015-August-24, 10:51
lycier, on 2015-August-24, 05:58, said:
Wombatica at great risk has come from the novice board seeking enlightenment. Obviously he would not have made an obvious mistake if he had your knowledge. Enlighten him!
Posted 2015-August-24, 11:03
Two likely contracts 3N and 6♦, 3N is impossible to get to now, 6♦ partner wont expect you to have such a good hand so will likely miss, even 5♦ may be missed.
In second seat one of the opponents have passed so it is a good chance this is your hand. So you may be able to buy it for a cheaper contract like 3♦. It is also possible partner has a major suit of their own and hand belongs in 4M.
This wouldn't be a horrible bid in 3rd seat where partner has passed so could be opponents hand.
Posted 2015-August-24, 11:18
gwnn, on 2015-August-24, 05:31, said:
Same goes for:
1M-(4m)-4NT is trickier.
1♣-(4♦)-4NT is also tricky as 4NT is probably best used as an unspecified ♣ "slam try" (not asking for aces, just showing that you have a good 5♣ bid).
I agree with the others that I hate the 4♦ opening.
Sorry Dutch Acol is not part of the acol empire. Wrong Queen. So this doesn't count in my poll.
The question before us was not whether we hate the opening, but whether this obscenity deserves the death penalty for the first offense.
Posted 2015-August-24, 11:43
steve2005, on 2015-August-24, 11:03, said:
Two likely contract 3N and 6♦, 3N is impossible to get to now, 6♦ partner wont expect you to have such a good hand so will likely miss.
In second seat one of the opponents have passed so it is a good chance this is your hand. So you may be able to buy it for a cheaper contract like 3♦. It is also possible partner has a major suit of their own and hand belongs in 4M.
This wouldn't be a horrible bid in 3rd seat where partner has passed so could be opponents hand.
Thank you. The other questions Wombatica asked were about Blackwood, in particular the auction 4♦(pass)4NT. I mm polling the acol countries in particular, in case Wombatica plays acol. Wombats are not native here, I suspect they are or were native to the Empire.
Posted 2015-August-24, 12:12
BillPatch, on 2015-August-24, 10:42, said:
Are you from the acol empire? I am doing an informal poll.
Sorry - it was a foolish mistake on my part. When Wombatica said, "I am hoping for some more diverse opinions", I took that to mean he/she wanted some more diverse opinions.
It is quite probable that Wombatica does not play RKCB, but if one plays on BBO or in a random club in Australia, there is a non-zero chance that they mean it as RKCB, so it behooves one to respond accordingly.
Anyway, it's probably best to leave the sarcasm to those that are still part of the Commonwealth.

Posted 2015-August-24, 13:40
BillPatch, on 2015-August-24, 11:18, said:
The question before us was not whether we hate the opening, but whether this obscenity deserves the death penalty for the first offense.
Who cares about your poll?
Also, if you consider Queen Máxima somehow inferior to Elizabeth II, more power to you I guess.
George Carlin
Posted 2015-August-24, 14:42
gwnn, on 2015-August-24, 13:40, said:
I didn't care, until about a minute ago I looked up "wombat". It is indigenous to "Oz", the giant island south of New Guinea. They play acol there. There is therefore a high chance that wombatica is aussi and plays acol. Therefore the need for updated info on acol has become more urgent. The brave wombatica was willing to face being shot in order to achieve bridge enlightenment. The least those in the British Commonwealth can do is answer the poll.
I apologize to those who find my flippant humor offensive, especially the remark about the two royal majesties. There are technical reasons that Dutch Acol has developed separately from acol in the English speaking countries, and that is the reason I rejected the Dutch entry.
Posted 2015-August-24, 14:58
George Carlin
Posted 2015-August-24, 15:03
George Carlin
Posted 2015-August-25, 01:59