Posted 2015-June-21, 10:16
why did I win the heart A? If I am fairly sure that LHO lacks the ability to pop with Q without the K, then duck the heart. They really can't touch me at that point, assuming the club is on, and we are flat out down if it isn't, since att the next play after the heart A was a club to the 9!
Having won the heart A and hooked the club, I am basically forced into guessing the spade situation.
What little I know about shape tends to suggest that LHO is 4=2 in the rounded suits and RHO is 3=4. These are not very strong inferences, but on the first club, LHO would probably give attitude, not count, and on the 1st heart, rho played the 2, and based on the club play I am guessing they play standard carding, whether by agreement or just assumption on their parts (assuming a pickup partnership).
That makes it very slightly more likely for LHO to hold the last trump than RHO, which means that I have to pull trump, since otherwise I can't stop a club ruff.
After pulling the last trump, we have played 7 tricks. RHO has to keep 2 clubs and, as nige1 noted, he has the diamond A.
We do have to be careful: the hand isn't as simple as nige1 suggests. RHO will presumably keep the clubs, and the diamond Ace, but we may not be able to tell if he has the stiff diamond and a small heart or the Ax in diamonds. It would be unfortunate to play A and a club, find rho cashing the diamond A and exiting a heart to LHO's King.
Fortunately, LHO may well help us out and even if he doesn't we can work on the assumption that RHO was 2=3=4=4, and play accordingly.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
T1- ♦T,J,K,5
T2 -♣Q,A,7,2
T3/4 - 2 top spades everyone follows. (W plays 78, E plays 45)
T5- ♥3,Q,A,2
Opps have no agreement about their carding, so you are on your own.
But from your experience with LHO you know he is likely to hold ♥K as well.
He is not the type of player who would play Q from QTx(x).