PhantomSac, on 2014-November-04, 11:17, said:
I am rather embarrassed my instinct was the combo play (which is usually what I would do on a math hand irl). Proving once again that I am bad at the close math hands and that experts have too much inclination to combine chances rather than to commit. But in my defense their failure to bid probably brings the combo play up, they do have 9 spades and 11 points as well as 8 clubs and both had the chance to overcall 1S white, I think 3-0 diamonds becomes less likely than usual and stiff king becomes more likely than usual (because stiff K is generally a reason not to bid and Kx/stiff are both fine holdings for bidding, as are KTx/void obv). Maybe I am just making excuses for my failure though
LHO did lead a Club and not a Diamond, should that also be taken into account?
On another hand my teammates were in 6S with no loosers outside trump and in S: dummy: xxxx; declarer: AJxxx. A club was lead (a suit bid by declarer even). I think it is better now - because of the non-trump lead - to play SA?
PhantomSac, on 2014-November-04, 11:17, said:
Also just noticed it was MP, the diamond hook gives us a better shot at an overtrick, not that that is the priority but it counts for something in a close decision.
The field was not good and also the 6D contract is not very good (2 aces missing). Not unexpected that we were the only pair in slam.