Finish bidding this 2/1 ACBL
Posted 2014-January-17, 13:44
First, the original poster thanked me because my answer is what he was looking for. And I in fact was correct as to his understanding. This seems to win the theory debate for me.
Second, your post immediately after his thanks is ironic in the timing.
Third, if you had not ranted about pet conventions with such unjustified and errant arrogance, juxtaposed as it was to thanks from the original poster, you would not have been called out for being a boorish dolt.
Maybe think on these things. It might help you.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2014-January-17, 14:03
kenrexford, on 2014-January-17, 13:44, said:
First, the original poster thanked me because my answer is what he was looking for. And I in fact was correct as to his understanding. This seems to win the theory debate for me.
Second, your post immediately after his thanks is ironic in the timing.
Third, if you had not ranted about pet conventions with such unjustified and errant arrogance, juxtaposed as it was to thanks from the original poster, you would not have been called out for being a boorish dolt.
Maybe think on these things. It might help you.
I think this is really over the top. I disagree with Mike's assessment of the value of presenting alternative bidding solutions in this case, but I've found him to be helpful and even nice when pointing out I'm an idiot previously - he usually talks around it instead of saying it straight out. And he definitely adds a great amount of insight and value to the forum - I think of him as one of the level heads around here, and one who is always willing to expound upon his idea into multiple paragraphs of actual understandable logic.
Posted 2014-January-17, 14:39
CSGibson, on 2014-January-17, 14:03, said:
what part of calling the correct answer that the original poster wanted a masturbatory pet convention with four paragraphs about people essentially trolling would qualify as
Valuable insight and nice?
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2014-January-17, 14:42
kenrexford, on 2014-January-17, 14:39, said:
Valuable insight and nice?
I'm aware of your tricks, lawyer! Where did I say that particular post was valuable insight and nice? Your question appears to assume a false premise as fact. Stop with that wordplay trickeration!
Posted 2014-January-17, 15:17
kenrexford, on 2014-January-17, 14:39, said:
Valuable insight and nice?
What part of the OP persuaded you that you were the subject of the masturbatory comment?
For example, I clearly implied that I play the strong walsh: iow, I would adopt your suggested answer! I later explicitly stated that many 2/1 players play that, and that accordingly I think I implied that your answer was excellent for many, many people, and finding that the OP seems to have agreed is therefore unsurprising. I went on to set out some ideas for those who play differently than do you and I.
There were posts to which I intended to refer, and perhaps I went overboard...I think I'd not use the masturbatory word had I paused a little longer before pressing send but, frankly, I find cyberyeti's invariable use of weird treatments, coupled with what I infer to be his claim that his methods are infallible, to be as difficult to take as I assume he finds my responses

You might ask yourself why you felt that you were being singled out for criticism by a post that, to the extent it referred to you, did so by expressing agreement with your suggestion, merely adding that for those who don't play strong walsh, here is an alternative...
Posted 2014-January-17, 15:51
1. I thought the conversation was a good one, but you seemed to throw everyone who posted before you into a group while doing the same thing you called out. So, as the poster who was probably on the most solid ground but clearly included in the discussion (Walsh was a major point) I was defending the crowd.
2. The tone was so frigging arrogant. And you doubled down on that approach.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2014-January-17, 15:53
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2014-January-17, 16:42
kenrexford, on 2014-January-17, 15:53, said:
Most of these are only truly weird to you because we have a lot more freedom in that we know partner has 4 clubs for a 1♣ opener. It radically simplifies getting to the right place when both partners have clubs. Given the definition I read when I joined BBO, you virtually have to be an international to call yourself an expert, so I only qualify as advanced, hence I post this sort of thing in I/A as it should be for players of my own standard.
Certainly on my posts, unless I post that a problem is to be done using my system, I'm always happy to see other peoples' weird and wonderful treatments, maybe I learn something.
Posted 2014-January-17, 18:40
Cyberyeti, on 2014-January-17, 16:42, said:
Certainly on my posts, unless I post that a problem is to be done using my system, I'm always happy to see other peoples' weird and wonderful treatments, maybe I learn something.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2014-January-17, 21:39
I don't want this one to be another one. So if mikeh, kenrexford and csgibson can't be civil on here, can you go and be uncivil elsewhere?
Posted 2014-January-18, 03:13
How about changing your comments to "gibberish out and even more gibberish out".
Posted 2014-January-18, 03:26
mr1303, on 2014-January-17, 21:39, said:
I don't want this one to be another one. So if mikeh, kenrexford and csgibson can't be civil on here, can you go and be uncivil elsewhere?
Show me a single breach of civility of mine in this thread, or apologize for giving the impression that I have been uncivil.
Posted 2014-January-18, 03:50
CSGibson, on 2014-January-16, 17:56, said:
1♥-2♦*, Transfer to hearts, either game forcing or drop dead
2♥-2♠, Accept transfer (not just shy of a jump shift), patterning out & showing GF 5+♦, 4+♥
3♣-3♦, Values or advanced cues
3♥-3♠, Values or advanced cues
4♠-5♣, Kickback, showing 0 or 3
5♥-5♠, (systemic, with 0 pass, with 3 clarify the Q situation, 1st step denies the Q but shows 3 keycards)
my own auction playing my preferred xyz methods would be:
So actually this is simple bidding is not a hard problem.
Posted 2014-January-18, 06:32
the hog, on 2014-January-18, 03:13, said:
How about changing your comments to "gibberish out and even more gibberish out".
I would imagine that Max Hardy ' 2/1 Game Force book, which is probably the most authoritative text for standard 2/1 gF, works? His version includes strong Walsh. P. 44.
This is funny. I answered the question correctly for the poster. He thanked me. Mike wants me to discuss nuances of strong walsh, weak walsh, standard American, t-walsh, Montreal relay, and other unknowns to be accepted. Hog doesn't believe me and wants citation of authority, without which I am presumed by him to be spouting gibberish.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2014-January-18, 09:10
If you look at the past walsh topics, i suggested that very long time ago. (1♣-1♦-1M-2M being GF and 1♣-1♦-1♥-1♠ being a relay forcing bid instead of 4th suit or natural without 4 card hearts) Phil Clayton was one of the first against it but later admitted that it comes a lot. I was even LOL ed for it by some BBF members

Imo it is an overlooked area if you are playing a walsh style where you respond diamonds only with GF hands, when there is a major suit next to it. And not been discussed by a lot of pdships.
I was told, if i remember correctly, by Justin, that 2♥ shows exactly 3 card hearts, and some invitation hand or something similar to this (i am not good at finding past topics) and that this is the std. After that i asked "when was the last time anyone encountered this " And i also mentioned that, if we ever gonna spare a bid for a specific hand type, it better makes a huge difference when it comes. I did not and still do not believe the suggested 3 card ♥ usage of 2♥ bringing too much on the table, if any. And the debate died at some point.
So, i understand your logic on this specific auction, and i like it. But i don't think it is std and after seeing people's reaction, i would not even do it w/o agreement. I would not be sure if pd would take it as forcing, and even if he does, he would not be sure if i meant it as forcing. Because it is unusual situation where you make a GF bid by raising openers 2nd suit at 1 level, to 2 level.
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2014-January-18, 12:13
Posted 2014-January-18, 12:29
Posted 2014-January-18, 17:07
monikrazy, on 2014-January-18, 12:13, said:
He doesn't call it Walsh in my book, but the method is Walsh. Bypass diamonds unless opening strength as a prepared two bid auction. Opener only re bids a major himself if real diamond length (unbalanced).
In my book, page 44.
I am surprised that anyone who plays Walsh would three steps the strength hands (1D then 4th suit force then raise Opener's major) but directly bid the fragment fit with the invite hands, as that seems unnecessarily counterintuitive. I mean, a raise sounds like a raise, raising with actual fits helps those auctions tremendously, and 4th suit sounds like a problem, the problem usually being a 3-fit. There must be a good reason, but I am often simple, believe it or not. Intuitive seems best to me when counterintuitive seems like an arbitrary modification.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2014-January-18, 18:26
An example of an asking bid would be something like :1C - 1D - 1H - 4S (Requests slam bid with spade control, mandates a 2452 shape)
or 1C - 1D - 1H - 5C (requests slam bid with club control)
I am now very confused as to what the 1C-1D-1H-2H auction should show according to Hardy since he doesn't seem to reference it explicitly in the text.Similarly, what would 1C-1D-1H-3H show?
Edit: Upon doing a little research I discovered he discusses Walsh bidding in greater depth in Advanced Bridge Bidding for the 21st century, so if anyone has that text they may be able to clarify how a 'standard walsh' auction can proceed.