1. Authors suggest using TOD with opening bid values including distribution. Is it really reasonable to do TOD without 12HCP very often? (not talking about balancing Dbl now)
2. I am used to responding by bidding 1NT with 6 HCP only (probably because I trust my doubling partner to have at least 12HCP). How bad is that?
They say 8-10. (with a stopper in opps' suit, of course)
3. Authors recommend jumping to game in response to partner's TOD with opening values and a 5-card major. What if partner had 6-card suit in another major, shortness in my major and was too strong to overcall (not much chance, I know)?
4. I am used to understand the second Dbl in this bidding sequence: 1♣ - Dbl - 1♥ - Dbl as showing 4-card ♠ suit (bidding ♠ now would show five of them) but this book says this double would show positive values and having ♥ (at least four of them). Really confused now.
Would appreciate your thoughts and comments