Posted 2013-January-16, 09:45
Posted 2013-January-16, 11:35
Pass - 5
3♦ - 2
There is a significant chance on this auction that partner has a very good hand and either has a penalty double of 2♠ or some other hand that is awkward to bid in direct seat over 2♠. Therefore, I double. If partner pulls the double to 3♣, I will bid 3♦.
Pass could be right if RHO is lying in the weeds waiting for me to reopen the bidding.
3♦ is almost right on shape but wrong for two reasons: (1) it indicates that you are not willing to defend 2♠x if partner has a trump stack - and with the AK of hearts and a couple of minor suit Q's you are certainly willing to defend 2♠x if that is what partner wants to do; and (2) it grossly overstates your values and distribution. You cannot commit this hand to the 3 level in a red suit when partner could have nothing but spades.
The only part of my choice of action that I am a little uncomfortable with is my choice to bid 3♦ over 3♣. On a bad day, partner could be something like this:
Yes, I know that it seems unlikely that partner could have this hand - the opps may be making a game in spades. But it happens. Anyway, if this is partner's hand any action over 3♣ could result in a large minus.
Posted 2013-January-16, 14:20
Posted 2013-January-16, 14:21
Posted 2013-January-16, 16:58
ArtK78, on 2013-January-16, 11:35, said:
Pass - 5
3♦ - 2
Ok, if I ever need proof that there is grade inflation, I will just link to this post.
Posted 2013-January-16, 19:38
JLOGIC, on 2013-January-16, 14:20, said:
JLOGIC, on 2013-January-16, 14:21, said:
I passed and now I feel like "The man who failed to protect" in an H M Bateman cartoon
Anyway, I was wrong both in theory and in practice. Partner held ♠ AKT9xx ♥ xxx ♦AJxx ♣
If you double, they find their ten card ♣ fit but you reach your ♥ game
Posted 2013-January-20, 11:39
Posted 2013-January-28, 04:20
I think 3♦ is the right bid here.
First my partner knows that im not strong and only showing shape so kinda balancing in last seat.
If i have more then minimum opening i X most of the time.
And the problem with dbl is even when partner got 5♠ there are lots of hands when opponent make it or dont go down enough.
But i guess it all depends on how well you know your partner and he knows you.
My partner would imagine that i got a hand like this when i bid 3♦
Posted 2013-January-28, 06:13
Posted 2013-January-31, 10:46
if playing good bad ill bid 2NT.(or 3D if 2NT is good)
if i think partner will not overbid when i bid 3D ill take that bid.
I think pass isnt so bad at all especilly if playing mp.