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13 tricks but..

#1 User is offline   jjsb 

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Posted 2012-September-24, 00:23

dealer west , auction free of opps overcall i let u bid that "no finesse 7 nt"

AKxxxxx (7)


as u will probably see the key of that contract is to discover that extra J of C so i let u show me ur sequence to bid that one

here is what happen in our table

2C 2D
2H 3H
3S 4C(x)
4D 5C
6C 6H

i had the 7222 bid. i believe the start of the auction (to 3S) is kinda "standard" thougth im pretty sure i migth find some difference then probably the way too intellectual 6C bid makes it too hard for my partner to understand my problem . i wanted it to be like "ok u tell me u have KQ of C but i want a little bit more do u have the J or a 5th one ?" my partner told me that he has done more than enough "sound" so far with his 4333 and that i have way enough to bid 7H . he is probably rigth but want ur opinion.
3nt would be serious for us by the way (on 3S that is) not sure at all for me is that hand is a serious or a non serious ...

sylvain (jjsb)

#2 User is offline   Antrax 

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Posted 2012-September-24, 01:07

What did the 2 opening show?

#3 User is offline   jjsb 

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Posted 2012-September-24, 01:20

View PostAntrax, on 2012-September-24, 01:07, said:

What did the 2 opening show?

FG . very few auction can make us stop if 2C comes from a strong 2H 2S hand


#4 User is offline   rmnka447 

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Posted 2012-September-24, 01:24

Over the years, I've become a big fan of very disciplined bidding over a strong 2 opener

So, the raise to 3 would 8+ and xxxx or Hxx in trump where H is A,K, or Q.

2 2
2 3
3 (1) 3 NT (2)
4 4 (3)
4 NT (4) 5 (5)
5 (6) 6 (7)
6 NT 7 NT

(1) 1st round control
(2) Waiting bid denies a 1st round control
(3) Waiting bid no 1st round control
(4) Still interested in slam - no 2nd round control so must have A, but also has a high honor
(5) 2nd round control
(6) 1st round control -- implies holding both high honors else would have used RKCB
Also 2nd round control must have been useful, else would have signed off in s.
(7) 3rd round control - must be at least KQ not a singleton

After 6 NT, responder knows opener must have all 4 As as NT wouldn't be right with a void. Since an extra trick in is held, it must be right to bid 7.

#5 User is offline   TWO4BRIDGE 

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Posted 2012-September-24, 03:39

This is a case where Responder can effectively make the final decision once Opener lays out his hand during the bidding.

Have the 2C bidder JUMP to 3H over 2D ( waiting, but positive ) to set trumps and to commence cue-bidding . This will instill in Responder's mind at least a 7 card suit. Then, when Opener goes RKC, and next the Q-ask, and subsequently a 2nd K-ask ( guaranteeing all key cards ) , Responder can count to 13 with his " source of tricks " :

1s, 7h, 1d, and cAKQJ = 13

2C - 2D!
3H - 4C
4S! ( RCK for ) - 4NT or 5C = 0/3
5C/5D ( Q-ask ) - 6C ( Q + K )
6D ( 2nd specific K-ask ) - 7NT

EDIT: Above is FLAWED...
If 5C = Q-ask, then :
5C - 6C = Q + K AND DENIES and Kings
Thus, no way for a 3rd Rnd Ctrl-ask in ; and 6D would be a 3rd Rnd Ctrl-ask in .... not something Opener wants to ask .
Don Stenmark
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall

" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh

K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .

#6 User is offline   Quantumcat 

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Posted 2012-September-24, 04:56

I would bid it this way:

1 2(1)
3(2) 4(3)
4(4) 5(5)
5(6) 6(7)

1. 8-10 raise
2. Long suit game try, or better. Here it is to see if responder will claim to any values in the side suits
3. Interested in game, no values in any suit except clubs
4. KC
5. 0 (as expected)
6. What is your holding in clubs (don't care about asking for the queen, we have a ten card fit)
7. KQ
8. He's shown only 5HCP in clubs, so must have the Q of trumps as well. But would he acceot the game invite with just Jxx Qxx xxxx KQx? Probably not. More likely is he has a five card club suit (will ruff once and the small one will be good for the other discard I want). Dummy comes down, he has the jack, that's as good as a five card suit :-)
I Transfers

#7 User is offline   Zelandakh 

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Posted 2012-September-24, 05:11

My auction:-

1 = 15+ nat/bal or 18+ any
... - 1 = (almost) any non-GF
1 = unbal GF or 18+ 3-suited
... - 1NT = 6-8
2 = natural
... - 4 = 3+ hearts, no key cards
4NT = K ask
... - 5 = K
5 = K ask
... - 7NT

Since Opener did not ask about the trump queen but did ask about kings, they must have 7 hearts and the missing aces. Thus we can simply count 13 tricks. If Responder did not have the Q then they could only show no pointed king and KQJ(x) over Opener's follow-up SSA. Not being able to tell the difference between KQJ bare and KQJx would then make things difficult. Does anyone have the agreement that answers to a SSA in a suit where the king has been shown differentiate between these 2 holdings? Would certinly be useful here!
(-: Zel :-)

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