Posted 2012-April-12, 23:58
Certainly partner would bid with 12+ points. With 10-11 I'd expect a call if he has short spades, but not if he has three spades and not necessarily with two. With 0-9 partner's pretty much always passing. Double from partner should almost always have four hearts in my style; I prefer to bid 3NT with partial stoppers than to double with only three hearts. Perhaps 1354 and 10-11 is a double though.
On the given auction I think double is pretty bad. Given that we have Kxx of spade, partner will virtually never leave double in. If partner bids 4m over double it will generally be bad (4-3 club fit? 5-3 diamond fit with ♠Kxx hitting the table?); even if partner has a heart suit and bids 4♥, it's not hard to imagine that we are better in notrump (especially if partner has two spades).
The options would seem to be 3NT or pass. Obviously pass could be a winner, but I'm a bidder. 3NT.
Adam W. Meyerson
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit