inquiry, on Nov 8 2004, 05:01 AM, said:
junyi_zhu, on Nov 8 2004, 12:21 AM, said:
The major reason to play 2/1 GF is to get rid of the 3 card temporized rebid as
standard systems do, because you are in a GF situation, so you can pretty much
bid your hand naturally.
Whether or not this hand qualifies a reverse is still open to discussion.
Here, if you bid 2H as waiting, and partner bids 2S, you may still splinter 4C to show
4 spades and shortness in clubs. However, if your partner rebids 3H to support you,
you would have a hard time to show your shape and strength; you are preempted by
the raise.
So 2S or 2H are not perfect either, but that doesn't make 2D sounds nicer because 2D
in nature show 4 diamonds and unlimited.
However, if you play my 2/1 frame, I have a simple cure: 2D!
Yes, 2D here in my 2/1 frame is a waiting that just solves all the problems.
so 2H here would show diamonds and extra, 2S shows hearts and extra length,
2N shows spades and extra value. So 2D just shows either balanced hands or minimum hands. This hand should be treated as minimum because of the club shortness. So the hand is about 5.5 losers + 1 (because of the club shortness),
all hands >= 6.5 losers would justify the waiting bid.
Bridge is a game that has to live with judgement calls, the goal of system improvement is to minimize the judgement calls.
Did this panel really play 2/1 GF? I guess they didn't. 2D is the worst bid ever, if you bid 2D and partner happened to hold 4 diamonds, strong hand and RKCed, how would you feel? In that sense, it's even worse than 2NT
which actually is not as horrible as many assumed.
Yes, the panel played 2-over-1 game forcing. This was a MasterSolver problem, using Bridge World Standard. To quote the editor "You might think this is a pretty straight foward 2-over-1, or Eastern scientific, or BWS bidding problem, or non-problem. Wrong!
I will let it to the readers of this thread to decide if "2D is the worst bid ever", in fact, i agree with Larry Cohen, Robert Wolfe, Gail Greenberg, Barbara Haberman, Carl Hudecek, Sami Kelela, Al Roth, and Auther Robinson, that it is the best bid. A number of other panelist consider it second best to their choice. I wonder how many will agree with you that it THE WORST BID EVER. You must live a perfect bridge life if you find this the worst ever.
As for reversing the meaning of 2D and 2H? Seems unnecessary to me..... allows them to double 2di for lead, or for other competitive purposes. But to each his own.
Is BWS 2/1 gameforcing? I really don't think so. If you think BWS is a 2/1 GF, aces' system as 2/1 GF, then we are not playing the same system.
Also, my structure is not to simply switch 2D and 2H. It's a super gain because your partner can raise you at low level and at the same time show minimum or balanced hands. Still, after such a long post, you still didn't tell me how do you feel if your partner RKC over your 2D rebid. For 2/1 GF system, it's just insane to distort your shape at the second bid I'd say and for most time, you can't even recover from that.
Here, let me show your some other nice features my framework has:
1S 2C
2D(waiting) 2N(spade support, extra)
instead of 1S 2C 2S 3S
that saves a whole level of space for you to describe your hand and that also allows
responder to support his partner and show his extra at two level.
1S 2D
2N(6 or more spades, extra)
most waiting system can not show this feature at 2 level.
1S 2C
2D 3H(set up clubs as trumps and asking for cuebids)
most 2/1 GF system can not set up their 2/1 suit below 4 level over partner's waiting bids.
1S 2C
2D 2H(responder's waiting, either minimum or balanced)
then you can stop at 4 m if you find 3NT is not playable and no fit in major suits.
When both showed minimum, system allows players to stop at 4 m. No other system
ever has a clean and neat scheme to show when to stop at 4m and how to stop at 4m without messing up their slam going bids.
1S 2C
2D 3C
showing extra and 6 or more clubs,
most 2/1 system can't even afford such a desriptive bid,
if they play 2S as waiting, then 3C can't gurantee extra or they have
to bid 2NT to be responder's waiting which might not save the day either
because 2NT can be to high.
It's actually a tremendous edge over 2/1 systems nowadays and in the future, most serious 2/1 players would probably play at least a variation of my structure I predict.
So it's really not wise to evaluate a system without much knowledge of it.