Posted 2012-March-23, 10:19
I don't know the OP style, but when I play 3♦ as a non-gf splinter, it doesn't deny gf values...with gf values, we bid over a 3♥ signoff.
But even if opener could hold, say, Kxx AQxx x AQxxx (which seems to me to be just less than gf anyways), he denied such a powerful holding by bidding 4♥.
It seems to me that N must have thought that splintering on S's hand was either an error or, at the least, the worst holding he could have, else we can hardly justify a 3♠ serious slam try.
So maybe there was some partnership style issue going on at that point, and, if so, we can't assign blame since we don't know who was correct....indeed, it is possible that both were at fault because they were playing a method on which they had no agreement as to the range shown by the bid.
However, regardless of that issue, 4♥ showed, by agreement, a bad hand in context.....the worst possible hand in context.
N's 3♠ seems a bit rich to me, even if S ought to have held a tad more for 3♦. But the conversation that was going on was:
3♦: I have a hand that holds 4 trump, a stiff diamond, and a good invitation to game. (subtext: it is possible that it could also include a gf, but it has to be treated as a game invite for now)
3♠: if 3♦ was limited to game invitational values, 3♠ says: look, even opposite a less than gf raise, I have slam hopes. If 3♦ could include a big hand, then 3♠ might mean: I have a good game bid, and if you have more than invitational, I'm happy to cooperate in a slam hunt. Both meanings are overbids, the former more so than the latter
4♥: whatever you want from me, for slam, I don't have it. This seems to be a correct view
6♥: I don't believe you at hold a much better hand than you think you do. This is idiotic, to be polite.
So while there is room for debate about the early rounds, by the time N had to bid over 5♦, he ought to have had no trouble at all. Imo, he should double and lead a trump.
On this auction, with a 4-4 trump fit and an LHO bidding like a maniac, there is no 5 level safety. Amongst other issues, he has the worst possible spade length. Note that even an impossible Kxx AQxx x AQxxx leaves him with little play for slam, since it is surely naive to think that it is more likely than not that trump are 3-2 and clubs 3-1 on an auction like this. Edit: I got carried away in my example and gave the AQJx in trump...while that still fails on 6-1 spades if they lead spades, it would usually make on a diamond lead, so I weakened it a bit to now read AQxx
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari