Posted 2004-October-24, 20:15
"Ron, aren't you one of these guys who ALWAYS open 1♦ with any 5-4 m distribution? "
Sure Free when I play Polish Club, but that is systemic with Polish C, as you well know. Playing PC responder can guess to pass, or guess to correct to 2D. That is one of the weaknesses of the system. This discussion does not involve PC though, so why bring it up?
Playing Standard I would do the same thing with 5 weak to weakish C and 4D; you do not bid this way with 5 rebiddable Cs, as you have no problems on the hand. (You MIGHT open 1D for theoretical reasons if you play Walsh style responses, but that is another story again.)
You see this is where forums like this are a bit of a problem. You need to read the posts people make and see in what context that post is made, not just half read them and focus on a phrase that is taken out of context with a totally different hand type in a totally different system. If you play Standard and have a rebiddable C suit, then it is pretty clear to open 1C and rebid 2C. But when opener opens 1D followed by 2C, responder always has to assume it is 5D and 4C and so it is automatic to give preference to D. The chances of 5D and 4C are greater than 5C and 4D. If you think this does not make sense, work through the logic. The reverse holding is an abberation in Standard bidding, though certainly possible .
"The King of Hearts a broadsword bears, the Queen of Hearts a rose." W. H. Auden.