barmar, on 2012-April-05, 14:15, said:
I like to back in to parking spaces, and I admit that it's harder to stay between the lines, since you can't see the lines as easily. But if I notice I'm over the line when I open the door, I correct it.
I like to back in because I think there's more danger of backing into a pedestrian when pulling out backwards. And in some parking lots, it's pretty tight backing out and turning to get into the lane.
I don't know how I missed this before and agree.
My daughter got a ticket at her junior college for backing in to a space. The campus gestapo's justification was that they have the regulation because its easier for their ticket police to make the rounds and look for placards. In the end, its simply a way to justify their existence and raise revenue for the school that has been hammered by budget cuts.
At the Exxon refinery in Wilmington near Long Beach, they tell their employees to back in, because if there is a fire its easier for the cars to get out of the lot if everyone isn't backing out into the drive aisle, which still seems like an odd policy to me.
Backing in to a really tight space seems to work better than pulling in forward. I have no idea why, but it just does. Probably all in my head this one.