I am not banking on the club K onside, tho it is barely possible.
If hearts are 3-3, I am home anyway so I need to see whether I can improve on that, and I thin I can.
Win the spade K, low club to the A and a low heart from dummy.
If RHO flies in order to clear the spade suit, then we hope for 4-2 or 3-3 hearts and score 4 hearts, 2 spades, 2 diamonds and 1 club.
So presumably rho ducks. Now, with one heart trick in the bag, we revert to clubs.
If he has Kx of clubs, rho is done.
if he has Kxx, he ducks. Now we play the heart J, he wins. If he clears spades, we win on board, lead a diamond to hand (having pitched a club) and then cash hearts....the odds are very high that rho lacks 4 of them...he has 3 clubs, 5+ spades so probably doesn't have 4 hearts. LHO can't lead spades or clubs so have to lead a diamond. We win 2 spades, 3 hearts, 2 diamonds and 2 clubs.
If he doesn't clear spades, he presumably leads a diamond.
Fly the Ace, cash the K, test the hearts and unless they run (which gives us 9 tricks), throw a spade and exit a club.
We have scored a spade, 2 hearts, 2 diamonds and 2 clubs. We are in a 4 card endgame with dummy holding Qx void void xx and rho hopefully holding something like AJ10 void Q void....he has to give us 2 tricks.
Note that RHO can beat us in this position by ditching the diamond Q, but maybe he was dealt the 10 as well?
neat hand.
quiddity beat me to this, but only because I was exploring the continuations
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari