Official BBO Hijacked Thread Thread No, it's not about that
Posted 2010-February-11, 09:36

Posted 2010-February-11, 09:58
My mother couldn't stand eating it unless it was so thin that you could see behind (transparent)
they also sell the full leg for you to slice manually, it is fun at the start, but it is very hard to eat it quick enough before it dries. Althou even a bit dry it is still good. We normally get one for christmas when all family meets.
Posted 2010-February-11, 10:32
luke warm, on Feb 10 2010, 06:14 PM, said:
It's a balance. The bad news is that I can't get to the Y, which no doubt is closed anyway, for my exercise, the good news is that nature provides an alternative form. But at some point I may be in the market for a flame thrower.
The University of Maryland has now been closed for a full week, last Friday through today. I came in 1967 and nothing remotely like that has happened before. The street in front of my house has been plowed several times, it needs it again. Suvs with four wheel drive could make it, perhaps, but my Accord would refuse I am sure. Nowhere to go anyway.
I think Congress is closed. I wonder what will happen if no one notices the difference, or maybe folks notice a distinct improvement in the way things work.
Posted 2010-February-11, 11:09

Todays motto: ALLES WALZER!

Posted 2010-February-11, 11:19
luke warm, on Feb 10 2010, 05:48 PM, said:
Never read such an ignorant post in my life.
Clearly you've never heard of the Detroit Lions
Posted 2010-February-11, 11:21
The announcer said, "Well, I'm speaking to you now from the second story of our building, and the snow is about half-way up the window pane."
The next question was, "How many snow days do your kids get every year?"
"None," the Alaskan guy said.
The peninsula where I now live in Upper Michigan juts far into Lake Superior, so we get lake effect snow in addition to the normal stuff. Average yearly snowfall here is about 6 meters, give or take. The school kids do get one or two snow days a year during whiteout driving conditions when the buses can't drive safely.
Of course our taxes here pay for a lot of show removal equipment and labor. And I have two snowthrowers to clear our long driveway through the woods to the road nearest the shoreline, plus assorted shovels and scoops to keep things passable around the house.
Many families here hire guys with snowplows on trucks to keep their driveways clear, but after awhile there is little room left to push the snow. Fortunately for me, I love to get out in snow (otherwise I guess I wouldn't live here), and sometimes I just have to stop clearing the driveway for a few minutes to admire how beautifully it sparkles on the trees.
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell. — Bertrand Russell
Posted 2010-February-11, 11:37
FBI profilers will be interested in this.
Why do 80% of Canadians live within a hundred miles of the U.S. border?
We huddle together to stay warm.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2010-February-11, 11:50
y66, on Feb 11 2010, 10:06 AM, said:
The secret of this superiority rests in the thousands of acres of dehesas — mountainous meadows populated by oak trees — where the indigenous black Iberian pigs have roamed since ancient times. They feed on grass, fruit and, most importantly, acorns that fall every autumn from holm and cork oaks. This gives their meat a unique nutty flavor and a high level of oleic acids, considered a healthy fat.
More ...
i prefer polish ham.
Posted 2010-February-11, 14:39
Get the anything on the barbee and its the best!
Ever tried grilled pineapple?
But a perfectly seasoned filet mignon, medium rare, with a bit of chipotle bbq sauce on the side....mmmmmm
Posted 2010-February-11, 15:18
Al_U_Card, on Feb 11 2010, 03:39 PM, said:
Get the anything on the barbee and its the best!
Ever tried grilled pineapple?
But a perfectly seasoned filet mignon, medium rare, with a bit of chipotle bbq sauce on the side....mmmmmm
BBQing is not grilling.
Posted 2010-February-11, 15:31
kfay, on Feb 11 2010, 12:19 PM, said:
luke warm, on Feb 10 2010, 05:48 PM, said:
Never read such an ignorant post in my life.
Clearly you've never heard of the Detroit Lions
good point
Posted 2010-February-11, 15:34
jjbrr, on Feb 11 2010, 04:18 PM, said:
Al_U_Card, on Feb 11 2010, 03:39 PM, said:
Get the anything on the barbee and its the best!
Ever tried grilled pineapple?
But a perfectly seasoned filet mignon, medium rare, with a bit of chipotle bbq sauce on the side....mmmmmm
BBQing is not grilling.
Mea semi-culpa.
Since it is cooked on a "grill" on the bbq, and in french we say "griller" meaning to toast with heat, I use them interchangeably.
The best is with charcoal flames but either way (propane and stones etc.) its all good!
Posted 2010-February-11, 15:35
Posted 2010-February-11, 15:39
Posted 2010-February-11, 15:50

Furthermore, well done steak is unacceptable. Rare-Medium Rare is where the money's at, for sure.
Posted 2010-February-11, 15:52

Posted 2010-February-12, 07:57
Some of the people some of the time is now only 8%.
Posted 2010-February-12, 08:19

Posted 2010-February-12, 09:54
Winstonm, on Feb 12 2010, 08:57 AM, said:
Some of the people some of the time is now only 8%.
This report is rather selective in its precision. They carefully state that it is roughly one-third of the Senate rather than 33/100 or 34/100, whichever it might be this year but they seem totally oblivious to how carelessly they frame the main point: Only 8 percent want their own congressman re-elected? Only 8% want any congressman anywhere to be re-elected? Only 8% think some undefined generic congressman that they cannot name should be re-elected?
Somehow the extreme care taken with the number 1/3 and the total imprecision of the reporting of the actual results breaks me up.
Posted 2010-February-12, 10:08
BMWOracle victory in 1st Race!