2 hands - MPs
Posted 2007-August-21, 19:15
Matchpoints; opps are vul, LHO deals:
(1♠) - 2♥ - (2♠) - pass
(pass) - dbl - (pass) - 3♦
(pass) - pass - (3♠) - ?
2. ♠Qx ♥AQx ♦JTxxxx ♣Kx
Matchpoints, we are vul - pard deals and opens 1♦ (Strong NT setting) and RHO butts in with 5♣.
Your stab?
Posted 2007-August-21, 21:39
1. Pass
2. Dbl
I am more likely to take the push to 4D on 1 than 5D on 2. But pass on 1 seems best.
Posted 2007-August-22, 01:08
On the second hand however, isn't there a huge risk partner bidding 5M at this vulnerability?

Posted 2007-August-22, 01:38
2. I bid 5 ♦ and bet that they will bid 6 club which I double.
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2007-August-22, 04:31
The second one is tough, double at MP because we cannot beat 3/4NT with 5♦. At IMPs would bid my game (and hope partner raises to 6)
Posted 2007-August-22, 05:10
- R. Buckminster Fuller
Posted 2007-August-22, 05:32
- 2. Double. If I have any excuse whatsoever, I will not bid 5♦ at matchpoints.
Posted 2007-August-22, 06:03
Walddk, on Aug 22 2007, 11:32 AM, said:
Ooops, I though they weren't vul, and 300 seemed very hard.
Vulnerability makes it closer.
Posted 2007-August-22, 07:56
2. X
Unless explicitly stated, none of my views here can be taken to represent SCBA or any other organizations.
Posted 2007-August-22, 09:34
2. I doubled when given the problem. My reasoning was that my ♣K was either hitting shortness, or LHO has shortness. Pard held: AKxx, Kxxx, KQxx, x. The person that gave me the hand bid 6♦ - not a success...
Posted 2007-August-22, 14:21
ulven, on Aug 22 2007, 01:10 PM, said: