shyams, on 2025-March-03, 07:35, said:
This is not part of any bidding system or agreement that I personally have ever played but...
I think I will improvise with a 4NT bid as South.
* When, as expected, North bids 5♣ or 5♦, I will 'correct to' 5♥.
* Hopefully this shows a slam interest with a self-sustaining Heart suit.
North, a passed hand, will rarely have perfect cards & may well pass; occasionally with hands suitable for a slam.
However, North looks to have 0-1 HCPs in ♠ + maybe 9-10(11) HCP in other suits. With ♠xxx ♥A (singleton) and a minor with KQxxx or KQJxx, North should find 6♥, with a realistic hope that the minor suit is used for discards after declarer draws trumps.
We open fairly light, KQJxx and an ace gets opened. I thought about 4N but wasn't sure what to do next.
Correcting 5
♦ to 5
♥ can be a disaster, where do you want to play opposite xxx, x, KQJxx, Jxxx ?
Not correcting can be wrong opposite xx, Jx, Qxxxx, KJxx