jdiana, on 2025-January-26, 10:56, said:
This might be a dumb question but, if playing optional keycard (or optional Minorwood), are there any guidelines for when the "teller" would give the "bad hand" response? We have some rules about when NOT to make a fast arrival bid (e.g., never if we have 3 KCs or 2KCs and the trump queen). Any similar rules of thumb in this situation?
We don’t have explicit rules. But the two players with whom I play this are multi-time internationalists and extremely good players. The sequences arise rarely but I’m confident that all three of us would agree 95% or more of the time. Sorry to be so vague but the best I can do is give you my ‘rules of thumb’ for when a 20 count is ‘good’ or a 21 count is ‘bad’….assuming we opened 2N, 20-21. The same rules would apply to a 22-24 range.
Firstly, for the 20-21 range, the actual point count is the least important factor. There are truly great 20 counts and not very good 21 counts, in context. Indeed, we upgrade into these ranges quite often and I’ve had a 21 count, upgraded into 2C then 2N, that I then went on to see as a maximum!
For slam purposes, controls are extremely important so hands with aces and kings, rather than queens and jacks are good…the converse is also true.
Fit is important. Axx would be nice but Axxx even better. Shape helps. Give me good trump and a side holding such as Ax and I like it give me 4333 shape and I tend to dislike it.
It’s always important to understand that if you’ve shown 20-21, holding 20 hcp doesn’t automatically mean that you’ve got a good hand. This is, from what I’ve seen, a very common problem for many players. Every time they hold a big hand, they overbid. They seem unable to trust partner. Once you’ve shown 20-21 by opening 2N, you should trust partner to play you for 2o-21 and start thinking in terms of how well this hand looks within the context of the auction. Do my cards mesh well with the hand partner is describing? Yes? Then accept invitations, cooperate etc. No? Then make a regressive bid. Don’t panic….partner knows you hold 20-21 and he can drive to slam over your regressive bid if his hand warrants doing so.
Now, learning how to do this valuation and, even more importantly, learning how both you and partner can trust each other is not easy. It requires work, including (if this is new to you) asking about it and, if you’re lucky enough to have real experts to whom you can talk, seeking advice. BBF is a poor substitute….we have quite a few voices willing to offer opinions but they represent a wide range of levels of expertise and it can’t be easy for the non expert to figure out who to listen to.
Edit: don’t over-read that last part. There are several posters here whose opinions I respect. Should I disagree with one or more of them, I’m well aware that their views might be better than mine. But, for example and not intending to suggest these three are the only ones (I’ve just woken up, not yet had coffee and aren’t trying to limit my list) if DavidKok or awm or Stephen Tu disagree with me, I pay attention. I may or may not change my mind but I’m definitely not ignoring (edited to correct iPad autofill) their views.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari