Posted Yesterday, 10:43
Are you convinced that they do not play 3♣ shortness ask? If so, North didn't even have to say anything; they did, which should not hurt the defence.
So much for MI. [ETA: I see the discussion on the Other Site. As I said, I agree you check. But the same people who say "E-W were damaged because north convinced us not to bid our suit" are the ones who would laud a "Zia control bid" with a stronger hand and ♣xx, when they didn't find their club lead into 6♥. I see zero difference between that and "I knew it was forward-going with a suit, I could control the auction into hearts, I was trying to [stop a club lead|inhibit a club sacrifice]". Why is this kind of "tactical bid" okay, and misbidding not - when both are legal, and for both there is no recourse for the opponents?]
UI: North is never playing anything but hearts. He was (I assume) looking for diamond shortness, or playing 3♥. Oh well, whatever 4♣ meant, we can't play 3♥ any more. Let's hope we're not off two diamonds, a club and a spade, or three diamonds, two clubs and a spade, for that matter.
You're not thinking North is thinking slam, are you? That needs a stiff diamond *and* an outside Ace and King. Sure, the hearts are known Kxxxxx at best, but really?
4♣ is Always Gerber? Even here?
Are you convinced that North did nothing during the auction to show surprise? Okay, so South has no UI and is free to guess however she wishes.
Okay, opponents, I don't see an infraction. If you do, show me.
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)