Ranmit, on 2024-November-11, 20:52, said:
Makes perfect sense!
But S bids 3S, preventing W from showing Hrt support (unless he is willing to go to 4H with a mimimum, given partner's 2H should promise only 10+ pts and not GF)?
If south bids 3S, west’s hand grows up. Ask yourself this: how many spade losers does our side have, given that I hold Axxx and that partner has at least five hearts?
I noted above that west may hold a high card minimum but it’s a very nice minimum, with K10xx support and two side aces.
One of the key steps on the path to becoming a good player is to learn to let the auction, including the opponents’ bidding, influence your valuation of your hand. Axxx in spades, when both opps are bidding the suit, is a wonderful holding….so long as partner has adequate trump, which he almost surely has for his 2H bid. Compare Axxx to KQxx. KQxx would usually, absent clues from the bidding, be seen as a stronger holding….but you have a spade loser if partner has a stiff spade! Axxx is ‘weaker’ but means you have no spade loser…so…in terms of contracting for 10 tricks, which is the better holding?
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari