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Play the grand

#1 User is offline   mr1303 

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Posted 2024-October-22, 23:30

Small club lead. You win in hand and cash the A and Q of hearts, all follow.

Don't worry too much about the bidding, but the play is the thing. How do you proceed from here?

#2 User is offline   AL78 

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Posted 2024-October-23, 00:55

I'm thinking of a minor suit squeeze. You have 12 tricks off the top. If one of the opps has 4+ clubs and the Q they will be squeezed when cashing the major suit winners. Draw trumps, cash AK throwing a small club, if the queen drops you can claim, otherwise cash the hearts and spades throwing a low club and two low diamonds. If the Q doesn't appear cash the AK and hope dummy's low club is a winner. I'm not sure what to make of the opening lead and whether the squeeze line has better odds than taking the diamond finesse for the 13th trick.

#3 User is offline   smerriman 

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Posted 2024-October-23, 01:12

How about just setting up the diamonds? Though I'd take the first trick in dummy. After 2 rounds of trump, diamond ace, ruff a diamond, cross back in spades, another diamond up, ruffing with the 8. Claim if they break 4-3. If West has a doubleton, we can cross back in clubs and ruff high. If East has a doubleton, that still works if East can't overruff with the ten.

(Edit - actually, I'm an entry short that way, oops. Change that to cashing both AK of diamonds first before ruffing a diamond.)

#4 User is offline   Cyberyeti 

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Posted 2024-October-23, 02:59

Not sure if best, but simple:

A does the 10 drop ? assume not
Q does the 10 drop ? does anybody show out ? assume not
AK pitching a club, does Q drop ? assume not
3 rounds of spades, pitching a club
K club ruff
diamond ruff and draw trump

This fails if east is 5332 with 10 as he pitches a diamond when you ruff the club and promotes his trump

#5 User is offline   johnu 

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Posted 2024-October-23, 16:25

Win K
Two rounds of hearts, discovering 3-2 hearts
3rd round of hearts, winning in hand.
A and ruff a small diamond
Cross to Q
K and ruff a small diamond

If diamonds are 4-3 (or Q was played in first 2 rounds of diamonds) there is an extra diamond trick

If there isn't a 3rd diamond trick, play off AK and East is squeezed with 5+ diamonds and 4+ clubs.

#6 User is offline   steve2005 

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Posted 2024-October-23, 19:49

It would be nice to know what spot cards opponents played on the clubs. and weather they lead 3rd/5th or 4th best
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