lebensohl why not extend it ?
Posted 2024-May-01, 07:13
Posted 2024-May-01, 09:24
Shugart23, on 2024-May-01, 07:13, said:
It is called Good-Bad 2NT. And quite powerful.
It is a tool to make Non forcing Free Bids work (not only NFB), most useful after a WJO, say, you open 1C and they over call 2S.
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2024-May-01, 09:39
Posted 2024-May-01, 09:42
Shugart23, on 2024-May-01, 09:39, said:
Works as well, now it is called Rubens Advances.
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2024-May-01, 11:14
P_Marlowe, on 2024-May-01, 09:24, said:
It is a tool to make Non forcing Free Bids work (not only NFB), most useful after a WJO, say, you open 1C and they over call 2S.
Shugart23, on 2024-May-01, 09:39, said:
- 2♦ doesn't score that well, and is a priori unlikely to be the best spot.
- If we have tolerance for hearts we likely belong in partner's major suit instead.
- If partner has support for diamonds we likely end up needing to go to 3♦ anyway, or might voluntarily go there to investigate a game.
- 2♦ is the cheapest bid, and can artififcially be used to investigate our degree of major suit fit, in particular the other major.
- On a competitive auction like this one we need extra raises more than extra transfers to the 3-level 'can be to play'.
Instead I would recommend e.g. Switch as an exploration of useful artificial competitive treatments, along with fitjumps and 2NT and the cue as good raises.
Posted 2024-May-01, 11:25
xfer side step some of the issues, that come with NFB,
at least to a certain degree, and it works, not perfect, but reasonable.
There are schemes out there, ..., but you need to do some work on defining the bids, if you also like to play
fit jumps.
The major issue is, that some seq. come up (very) rarely, depending how much you play.
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2024-May-01, 11:28
P_Marlowe, on 2024-May-01, 09:42, said:
You've misunderstood Rubens. His idea is about action by advancer, not responder. Advancer is the partner of the overcaller, while responder is the partner of the opener. Many pairs use some version of this idea...I play 'transfer advances of overcalls' in my serious partnerships and find them to be very useful...not only can one introduce a long suit, with limited values, safely but one can also differentiate between raises of partner's suit. Thus (1D) 1S (P) 2H is a good raise to 2S while 2S is weaker. On the same beginning, (1D) 1S (P) 2D shows hearts and one can bid it with xx KQxxxx xxx xx (passing 2H by partner) or Kx AQJxx xxx xxx (bidding 2S over 2H) or Kx AKQxxx Axx xx (cuebidding after 2H) etc. Overcaller will usually accept the transfer...I always say 'bid as overcaller as if partner is showing a weak 2 in his suit', which means one doesn't accept only when holding an unusual hand (of course one can jump accept if advancer has hit a home run with his 'weak two'.
As for applying this after an opp has made a 2 level overcall, I really, really don't like it. Maybe at mps...where getting to compete, non-forcing, at the 2-level may work well for partscore hands....but at imps, where game and (even sometimes after an overcall) slams dominate scoring on 'size of gain as opposed to frequency of gain' principles, having to go to the 3 level before establishing fit and even strength (either or both partners may have extras) or even playability in notrump (with the added cost of sometimes wrongsiding notrump due to using 2N as a transfer) leaves me cold.
Btw, should pescetom read this, I didn’t ignore your pm. Whatever bug screws up my posting seems also to prevent me replying to pm’s. My answer was going to be long (what else?) but in short I’d (a) never run the 8 as declarer and (b) never cover the 8 as defender and © not play for 4-1 trump (I hate losing three trump tricks to Q9 offside or A9 offside.
Posted 2024-May-01, 12:04
mikeh, on 2024-May-01, 11:28, said:
Quite Likely, ..., I just wanted to point toward a side, that showed, that the idea
is valid, and giving pointers for search.
We play a simple homegrown method, that works in a reasonable way, and is not too taxing
on memory.
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2024-May-01, 12:43
mikeh, on 2024-May-01, 11:28, said:

Apologies to others for the OT.
Posted 2024-May-01, 17:19
Shugart23, on 2024-May-01, 09:39, said:
So basically negative free bids with some transfers.