mw64ahw, on 2022-April-04, 08:06, said:
I'm not sure you've answered the question about what the expert does in the above auction with a non-expert partner. Do you investigate the slam after 4
♠ opposite a Weak NT with both Majors or do you pass? You've identified that the bidding was flawed, but little else.
a) We know we have the fit-MLT should generally only be used with 8+-card fits. The MLT will value a 9 card fit better than an 8 card fit so degree of fit is there
b) There are 8 controls-the values assigned for missing controls are included in the MLT so these are covered
c) Texture of suits-a more refined MLT approach adjusts for 10s&Js
d) Singletons,voids etc. are accounted for in the MLT calculation.
So all the elements you mention are included in/encompasses by the calculation. Yes I would prefer the 3
♠ bid so that 2 loosing tricks can be identified or not, but that's not the situation we're in, but using expert judgement or otherwise the 5 level feels safe so I move ahead.
The article below was written by an expert looking for better accuracy by incorporating a LT count in their Jacob y 2NT. All experts use point counts & hand revaluation to guide their judgement, so why not add an additional tool to your armoury? Is such a tool not part of learning how to value your cards?
I want to be careful that I do not come across as denigrating McCallum, who won several world titles some decades ago and a number of NA national titles, all playing in fields in which male players were not permitted. Since she was (and may still be) a professional player and few female pros get much acceptance in open events, playing strictly women’s events may be more a reflection of economic reality than any lack of skill comparable to the top male players of her time
Be that as it may, and while some fairly good players commented favourably on some aspects of her ideas, I see zero evidence in top flight play that anyone plays it.
Now, some do play that a 2N response to 2S need not be gf, but that has nothing to do with LTC or MLTC.
To give you an example, in my partnership in Salsomaggiore, after 1S 2N we bid:
3C any non hopeless minimum. 3D asks for shortness, step responses, none, clubs, diamonds, hearts
3D 5 spades, extras. 3H asks shortness, steps as above
3H 6+ spades, extras. 3S asks, etc
3S a void somewhere. 3N asks
3N 17-19 some 5332
4C/D/H. Natural, 5-5 or better, good suit texture, extra values
4S. Horrible opening hand. Fewer than 3 controls and ugly besides (we open virtually all 11 counts and some 19s)
We limit our values before we show shape. Thus over 3C responder often doesn’t ask, since he has no slam interest opposite a minimu.
Extras means a nice 14 count, but most 14 counts won’t qualify. Depending on vulnerability we won’t be 5332 with 14-16 if that is our 1N range and we won’t be 5332 with 11-12 or a bad 13 if that is our notrump range. These factors influence what constitutes extras.
If responder is interested in shape, he can usually ask and then knowing our hcp range and shortness, we’re in a pretty good position to embark on exchanging control information if we’re in the slam zone. Neither of us ever do a ‘losing trick count’ analysis nor do we need to.
We instead count actual winners and actual losers…not some non-specific ‘loser count’ but identifying where we lack controls and where we have tricks….in the actual hands we hold.
As mycroft ably wrote…once you know how to bid efficiently you don’t need your MLTC. If you can’t yet bid efficiently, focusing on MLTC or any arithmetical formula is going to prevent you from learning how to bid
As for how I bid with a non-expert, it depends on why I’m playing.
I do not, as a rule, play with non experts for the very selfish reason that I cannot play bridge with a non-expert in the manner that I enjoy. I can’t bid with subtlety. I can’t collaborate in a dialogue because partner lacks the languages skills
But in home games, as we had most weeks before COVID, I played short segments with many non-experts, a couple of whom were barely beyond beginner status
There, I simply used my judgement and essentially made or tried to make the decisions for the partner.
But once in a while I have played full sessions or more with a non-expert friend. If he or she wants to learn, I will not mastermind. I’ll keep it simple but I’ll let partner make decisions even if I expect them to be wrong. That way, after the session, we can discuss.
But I’d never dream of using MLTC, lol. I doubt I’d ever even mention LTC to most, out of fear people might think it’s a good tool, as opposed to a very minor (but occasionally useful) assist.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari