Non-Natural System for beginners
Posted 2021-May-17, 13:16
I am curious to know the thoughts of our Non-Natural gurus on this: what would be an ideal system to get people started, making the auction relatively easy and allowing them to enjoy/concentrate playing a sensible contract?
Posted 2021-May-17, 13:58
Now, if you're just interested in "non-'Natural' systems for beginners", there's a recommendation that bog-standard EHAA is almost as simple to understand for new players as it gets (but they *really* have to be comfortable with "large negative results" sometimes!)
Posted 2021-May-17, 14:32
Posted 2021-May-17, 15:03
shyams, on 2021-May-17, 14:32, said:
We don't have the benefit that mycroft assumes, experienced potential-partners / opponents playing Precision.
Pairs in the club are more or less evenly split in four: competent 2/1, guesswork 2/1, Italian 4-card majors, local strong club systems with canape' developments.
The official teaching system is a simplified 2/1 which although well documented is still too complicated for the students, as well as having a few weaknesses of its own.
I saw a friend enjoying great success teaching his beginners something similar to Vienna, hence my post. They don't need to be bidding precisely, just to have some idea of what they are saying and to allow them to finish in a reasonable contract with abundant mental energy left for what is (at least initially) the most engaging part of the game.
Posted 2021-May-17, 15:57
pescetom, on 2021-May-17, 15:03, said:
EHAA or Acol
Posted 2021-May-17, 18:45
pescetom, on 2021-May-17, 13:16, said:
I am curious to know the thoughts of our Non-Natural gurus on this: what would be an ideal system to get people started, making the auction relatively easy and allowing them to enjoy/concentrate playing a sensible contract?
simple precision. c.c wei proved the goodness of it with its results. but learners need to know how to counter any interference over it also.
Posted 2021-May-18, 03:50
hrothgar, on 2021-May-17, 15:57, said:
Will have a look at EHAA, thanks.
We used to start them with Italian 4-card majors, which is essentially a cleanup of Acol. That had the advantage of instilling "natural" logic and being relatively simple, but teaching that also incentivated the mature players to continue playing it rather than make the switch to 5-card. After a year online I have them almost all playing 5-card now, so I don't want to revive 4-card now.
Posted 2021-May-18, 10:22
EHAA is also "4 weak 2s, no strong bid" - again, it's the epitome of "first bid aggressive" system (not counting strong pass systems, I guess).
If you teach stone-age Goren, 4cM, strong 2s, whatever NT range you want, you get as "natural" as you really can. But again, nobody plays that any more either.
Posted 2021-May-18, 11:17
Posted 2021-May-18, 14:14

Posted 2021-May-19, 03:00
helene_t, on 2021-May-18, 14:14, said:

I realise, it just reminded me of the minimal strong club system my friend uses because IIRC it has a bucket opening bid for strong hands and all suit openings are minimum 5-card. That's the sort of simplicity I am looking for, something that will get them started quickly but can be discarded a year or so later when they are up and playing.
If it's quite different from the 2/1 target I would consider that a virtue not a defect, as people tend to have less difficulty with radical changes than with subtle ones, in my experience. One of the problems of starting them with a natural 4-card system is that after transition to 2/1 many will continue to cut corners (knowingly or not) with 1M-3M as invitational and sub-strength 2/1 bids rather than forcing NT, etc.
Posted 2021-May-19, 07:05
I think the most popular non-natural systems are pretty natural, so they probably work. Also any natural system will seem un-natural for a beginner (and usually un-natural conventions like the negative NT and Stayman are introduced very early). Except from what has been said here I also think Polish Club would work (without the "exotic" two openings). If they have an interest in the social side of playing at the club I think it makes sense to just teach the "local system": they will be familiar with what most play and I get the feeling that many frown upon players who deviate from the local system (at least at my local club). People will also give them advice and a beginner will have trouble understanding that the advice given may not be applicable given the system they're playing.
Posted 2021-May-28, 00:59
Kungsgeten, on 2021-May-19, 07:05, said:
Or (from https://www.bridgeba...865#entry927865):
nullve, on 2017-July-14, 07:31, said:
North: "clubs"
East: "diamonds"
South: "spades"
West: "diamonds" [ends EW's discussion about which denomination to play in]
North: "hearts"
South: "spades"
North: "notrump"
South: "notrump" [ends NS's discussion about which denomination to play in]
followed by
North: "five" [North is willing to contract for five tricks in notrump]
East: "six"
South: "eight"
West: "nine"
North: "pass"
East: "pass"
South: "double"
West: "pass"
North: "pass"
East: "pass"
Later, while still playing in protected environment, they could graduate to a game just like bridge except with an extra contract/opening bid, 0N (< 1♣), available.
An elementary system could be based on something like
0N = 12-14/18-19 BAL or 11+ hcp, (4441)
1x = 11-21 hcp, 5+ x, unBAL
1N+ = standard stuff except not (4441)
Posted 2021-May-28, 02:23
enigmisto, on 2021-May-28, 02:06, said:
Are there any well-documented Precision or other Strong Club systems out there which one would describe as "elegant"?
Oh, I think you already shared your variant system notes with me! Thanks.
I'm still curious about the deeper question as to which system is "elegant". That word may mean different things to different people. To me, I'd say it's less about simplicity, and more about all the parts fitting together in a way that feels consistent, and has a low cognitive footprint because the patterns across the different parts of the bidding system are easy to remember.
Posted 2021-May-28, 04:43
I'd recommend starting by looking at symmetric relay or such over a strong club opening.
If you're happy with this, then you can branch out into incorporating relays over other parts of your opening structure.
You might find the following useful
Posted 2021-May-28, 09:08
Posted 2021-May-28, 14:56
nullve, on 2021-May-28, 00:59, said:
Later, while still playing in protected environment, they could graduate to a game just like bridge except with an extra contract/opening bid, 0N (< 1♣), available.
An elementary system could be based on something like
0N = 12-14/18-19 BAL or 11+ hcp, (4441)
1x = 11-21 hcp, 5+ x, unBAL
1N+ = standard stuff except not (4441)
I find your teaching system intriguing, but I'm also quite happy leaving absolute beginners up to "natural" instinct given some idea of the rules and scoring system.
What I'm more interested in here is something easy to learn, but enough to get them up and playing in the main relaxed club game for a year or so with a reasonable chance of reaching a sensible contract and getting to understand card play. So your elementary system looks a lot closer to the bill, not unlike my friend's system. I was hoping for something like this, maybe documented.
Posted 2021-May-30, 05:29
Kungsgeten, on 2021-May-19, 07:05, said:
The negative NT, what is it?

Kungsgeten, on 2021-May-19, 07:05, said:
The problem is that you will often not reach a sensible contract after a Polish (or old Precision) 2♣ opening.
I believe Dutch Doubleton is a better choice.
Posted 2021-May-30, 06:20
I could talk about Dutch Doubleton for days without pausing for breath, but at its core there are three different systems called 'Dutch Doubleton'. One is basically SAYC except that 4=4=3=2 shape and points outside your 1NT/2NT opening range you open 1♣, instead of 1♦ (this way 1♦ always promises 4). In my opinion this is not noticeably better or worse than SAYC, and it would be a stretch to call this an unnatural system (although 1♣ needs to be alerted).
A step up is described in the previous link to Rosalind's website (although the 2NT weak minors is not standard, most people here play 20-21 or 20-22 NT). In this version of Dutch Doubleton you open 1♦ only with 5+ or exactly 4=4=4=1. This means that a whole host of hands with 4 diamonds and 2 clubs will be opened with 1♣. Normally people add a 'relay' 1♦ response to 1♣, showing either real diamonds (often in conjuction with Walsh principles, so it denies a major unless GF) or any 0-7 HCP hand without long clubs. Opener rebids their longest major with a weak balanced hand (can be only 3 and needs to be alerted) or 1NT with a hand too strong for a 1NT opening (usually 18-19). This caters to the increased frequency of opening 1♣ on only 2, so you can run to a major suit. The 1♣ opening and 1♦ response need to be alerted.
Lastly there is a system called the 'full Dutch Doubleton' (I personally play this). It optionally also moves some balanced hands with 5♦ to the 1♣ opening, overloads the 1♦ response with more conventional options (4-4 in the majors, and 3=3=3=4 strong) and has a more complicated set of rebids over 1♣*-1♦*. This system is decidedly non natural, but I would not recommend it to beginners.