Vampyr, on 2020-April-01, 19:22, said:
You pitch a heart at trick one and ruff one to make an overtrick. I know this problem is intended for novices and beginners, so the trick is to play hearts from North and spades from South. You must not attempt to ruff a diamond back to hand.
must admit, I'd play a bit more safely so I don't dial an absolute telephone number if spades are 3-1. At the point you play the final trump, you can make exactly by just playing winning hearts, not risking 1400 by playing the trump.
West leads ♣A against South's 4♠.
Cencio's deal modified so that ♠ break 3-1.
In that case, to settle for 1-off, GIB says North needs to discard a ♥ while South ruffs.
Then South leads a ♥.
If declarer isn't careful he might be defeated by 3 or more tricks.