This hand generated a fair amount of discussion after the game. My partner and I in need of a few top scores perhaps overbid this hand - please feel free to agree with/criticise the bidding - However, but we both felt the small slam was a fair bet. (Thankfully he was declarer ) How would you bid and play this hand? And, as always, thank you for replies in advance.
West led the ♥Q against the 6♣ contract
6♣ seems against the odds. 3N seems a better MP bet.
Assuming that LHO has less than 7 ♥s, a possible line in 6♣ ...
♥A, ♣A, if both follow low then run ♦Q (probably, losing to ♦K), win return with ♥K, cash ♣K (dropping ♣Q, you hope), ♥K, ruff a ♥, etc.. If ♣A drops ♣Q, then it's tempting to take a 2nd round finesse against ♣T (paying off to false-card by a cunning defender with ♣QT doubleton).