If I create a teaching table the "teaching options" allows kibitzers to see hands "user-controlled". This suggests that the I should be able to hide any combination of hands. Or is the 'user' the kibitzer?
I may want to only show declarer and dummy for winners/losers calculation. Or South and West for S's leading through dummy.
But I cannot find how to control the manipulation.
Can someone please point me in the right direction?
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manipulate teaching table
Posted 2021-March-26, 05:26
I believe that 'user-controlled' means that the kibitzer retains control of whether to kibitz a single hand or all of them.
Otherwise the table host can show the kibitzers all hands or just one hand and dummy.
BBO has never had the option of showing more than one specific hand, such as South and West when neither is dummy. I suspect this would be difficult to implement.
Otherwise the table host can show the kibitzers all hands or just one hand and dummy.
BBO has never had the option of showing more than one specific hand, such as South and West when neither is dummy. I suspect this would be difficult to implement.
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