Multi Level Confusion
Posted 2018-September-19, 14:18
I think South needs to proceed with caution here. I like Mike's (miamijd) splinter of 4♠ but if partner says 5♣ in response, I don't think you have enough to bid one more.
Posted 2018-September-19, 15:13
Tramticket, on 2018-September-19, 06:06, said:
The WBF certainly weren't thinking about beginners when they defined the brown sticker policy. Probably they thought that memorizing defences against every possible destructive opening should not be necessary.
Posted 2018-September-19, 15:23
sfi, on 2018-September-19, 06:51, said:
Originally it was a brown sticker. Logically it still is, but they made it an exception. The fact that they left the ability to play a written defence suggests a guilty conscience.
Posted 2018-September-19, 16:12
pescetom, on 2018-September-19, 15:13, said:
It really shouldn't be necessary, because it's straightforward to have general rules that cover the full range of strange two-level bids. People who play in Australia encounter this so often at club level that even newish players are comfortable defending against them.
The issue isn't one of complexity - it's one of familiarity. You suggest that open 2H to show 5/5 in clubs and spades, or a weak hand with diamonds, or a strong hand with hearts or a balanced 23-24 (for example) is "destructive". It's not - it's just different to what you are used to playing against. These conventions all allow the pair to show a wider range of hands and to try and make life difficult for the opponents at the same time. That's not inherently destructive - that's exactly what every agreement should do.
Posted 2018-September-19, 16:14
Posted 2018-September-20, 05:59
After partner bid 3♣ I thought that he's unlikely to have anything in spades, and could well have the ♣K but we were playing RKCB (1430) so couldn't bid 4NT - hopefully agreeing clubs - and elicit any further information. Even without the ♣K, it could drop singleton; or, he might have ♥K and we could throw some heart losers on the diamonds; or, he might have QJx in hearts, etc. And if he had the ♣K we might be missing seven clubs.
So after what seemed ages I thought why not bid six clubs as a compromise, between five and seven, because there's a reasonable possibility it could come in. I don't know if that's logical, but sometimes you have to bid what you think is right.
Alas, West doubled, and that was the bottom score for us on that board. Was I unlucky or stupid?
Posted 2018-September-20, 08:47
FelicityR, on 2018-September-20, 05:59, said:
After partner bid 3♣ I thought that he's unlikely to have anything in spades, and could well have the ♣K but we were playing RKCB (1430) so couldn't bid 4NT - hopefully agreeing clubs - and elicit any further information. Even without the ♣K, it could drop singleton; or, he might have ♥K and we could throw some heart losers on the diamonds; or, he might have QJx in hearts, etc. And if he had the ♣K we might be missing seven clubs.
So after what seemed ages I thought why not bid six clubs as a compromise, between five and seven, because there's a reasonable possibility it could come in. I don't know if that's logical, but sometimes you have to bid what you think is right.
Alas, West doubled, and that was the bottom score for us on that board. Was I unlucky or stupid?
Unlucky for 2 reasons, 6♣ needs no more than clubs 2-1 and LHO psyched a multi.
Posted 2018-September-20, 11:21
Cyberyeti, on 2018-September-20, 08:47, said:
I saw the post too late.However, there is nothing wrong to express my thoughts before knowing what partners hand was.This hand is a rather unusual hand which is not easy to find a solution for without prior understanding.I was in full agreement with Felicity albeit with a little reservation.Not playing Lebensohl it remains only a pure guessing game which I try to avoid as far as possible.If over the 2Sxx it would be harder to imagine partners hand had he bid 3H.However after the Club bid I would bid only 5C rather than taking a stab in the dark. as it were. since I don't know what a bid of 4S would be construed as. (there are just 3 losers as played in clubs) .As far as defence to multi is concerned the beginners may read an article written by Eric Crowhurst in our British Briidge Magazine in the June and July 1982 issues under the heading Modern Acol Bidding,Countering The Multi.Therein he has given a development for the NORMALLY occurring hands for the players in 2nd,4th and 6th seat ,and certainly worth giving a thought even today after 36years.
Posted 2018-September-20, 12:19
Tramticket, on 2018-September-20, 12:14, said:

Sorry missed that, and I'd weak 2 or multi that hand every day of the week. I'd also seriously consider passing it with the W hand, particularly if there was any flicker of interest from South anticipating a lousy 2♥ contract and S waking up.
Posted 2018-September-20, 12:37
Cyberyeti, on 2018-September-20, 12:19, said:
Maybe, but west has quite a bit of defence - that singleton king rates to be a defensive trick.
Posted 2018-September-20, 14:27