Posted 2018-August-13, 11:50
Partner should have defended a bit differently. You have to cash your two clubs and two hearts and THEN lead another club, and it's not all that hard for him to work out what to do.
You didn't mark partner's X as responsive (which is pretty standard), so I will assume it was for penalty. In that case, you know partner has to have a spade trick for his double, and that trick is likely the Ace, as he's in front of declarer. So with AK of hearts and a stiff club, why would you lead the heart King? You wouldn't. You'd either lead your stiff club to get a ruff, or more likely you'd lead the Ah, not the K, and then shift to the club, so that partner (thinking you don't have the King) would return a club, not a heart, when he won his trump trick. Partner knows this just as well as you do.
So partner should be able to work out that your club switch was from a doubleton (hopefully, not a tripleton), not a stiff. Once he's worked that out, it's easy-peasy. When partner gets in with the Ace of trump, he should lead back a heart (he's shown three, so you won't lead a third heart hoping for an overruff). Now you lead your other club, allowing him to cash the KQ of clubs and lead a fourth round of clubs for a potential trump promotion if you have Jx of spades (or Txx if partner has a stiff Ace -- not likely).