Posted 2017-November-16, 20:05
No mention of it, but the 2D bid is awful. It should be the poster child for when not to open a weak 2. It doesn't have a single point in diamonds. While nowadays it's acceptable to have a 4-card major, the 4 hearts should still be considered a flaw. The K5 of clubs is 75% of the hcp of entire hand. Throw in being vulnerable for good measure. I know that's not the issue on this hand, but I felt compelled to bring it up.
And Virgos, I know you don't want to talk about the play but I just want to say something. My guess is that you hurried when you returned that spade without stopping to think. Just slow down and ask yourself why he would overtake your king. I think you would have figured it out. He must have the queen and why wouldn't he just cash it if that's what he wanted?
The other thing is the double by east. When I saw the auction I didn't like it. Why would HE be the one doubling I thought. I saw the long spades and no other tricks, except possibly a heart ruff. With so many spades I'm not so sure the first round won't get ruffed.
This is where I would need to follow my own advice and stop to think. First I'd need to ask myself how likely it would be for first round spade ruff. While possible, it's not likely. After that it gets easier. If west has the ace of hearts for that vul 2-level overcall we've gottem, and even if there was a spade void we still might set them in light of overcall. It probably took Stephen about 2 seconds to draw that conclusion.