If you are making the opening lead and have a singleton trump, under what conditions would you lead it?
I know that if you have multiple trumps and think declarer might have a cross trump or otherwise need to ruff several times then it might be correct to lead trumps. However, it is unclear to me if you would still lead a trump in that situation if you only have one of them.
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Opening lead singleton trump
Posted 2017-September-29, 16:02
Leading a singleton trump is usually a bad action that may compromise your partner's holding in the trump suit and makes things easier for declarer. So generally leading a singleton trump is frowned upon, but there are obviously exceptions to that rule depending on the hands.
The one situation where you must virtually always lead a singleton trump is where you have made a takeout double, and partner has left the double in for penalties. Partner should have a good trump holding, and it is essential to cut down declarer's ability to score trumps separately (usually by crossruffing) between the two hands.
The one situation where you must virtually always lead a singleton trump is where you have made a takeout double, and partner has left the double in for penalties. Partner should have a good trump holding, and it is essential to cut down declarer's ability to score trumps separately (usually by crossruffing) between the two hands.
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