sfi, on 2017-September-11, 23:56, said:
So law 9 says you don't have to draw attention to it at the table, but that doesn't impact your obligation under law 79. You still have to ensure the score is changed. Whether dummy does that at the table or after the session is up to up to the player.
Reading this again I'm not sure it applies to this situation, but I think we need to see the EW hands.
And of course there is also:
B. Infraction of Law
2. In general there is no obligation to draw attention to an infraction of law committed by
one’s own side (but see Law 20F for a mistaken explanation and see Laws 62A and 79A2).
3. A player may not attempt to conceal an infraction, as by committing a second revoke,
concealing a card involved in a revoke or mixing the cards prematurely.
This post has been edited by gordontd: 2017-September-12, 11:39
Is dummy bound to report declarer's mistake.
if the claim-line works against inferior defence?
Click next.
I think it was gnasher who said that the law should be changed so that you have to fess up to your side's infractions.