The bidding is almost unrepeatable, and NS had a mix up with 3s, with South thinking it was natural and North thinking it was "4th suit forcing". Anyway You're in this spot which you'd rather not be in!
West leads the 2♣ (4th best leads) to the Ace and your 6, and the 4 of clubs is returned to your King and West's 5. At this point if trumps split, we can cross to dummy, draw two rounds of trumps, return to hand with a spade, draw the remaining trumps and hope for the heart finesse to work. However, disaster, we play a trump to the 6, K, 2, but on the second round of trumps It goes Q 4 3 and west pitches the 3 of spades.
Is there any way to make the contract now? Clearly we need the heart finesse to work, but is there anyway to avoid giving East a trump trick with their T8742? What hand do we need them to have? Does the opening lead make this possible?