Stephen Tu, on 2017-May-02, 21:05, said:
Is 2S not gf really std assumed now by adv/expert? Have I finally aged enough to dinosaur status?
Is it best to have some sort of lebensohlish 2nt even if 2s is gf, so opener can avoid going past 3nt opposite the low end of responder's hands?
I guess this is all good in theory but most of my partners are a good 10 years older and more of a dinosaur than I am, probably hard to get them to go for more complexity for these rare auctions.
The advantages are that you get to bid more and more often with less and that seems to be fashionable can be sold to a lot dinosaurs. Late in life Ozzie Jacoby started opening trashy 11's in 1st and said it was because he wasn't sure if he would still be there when the bidding got back to him.
1. You can stretch reverses to a lot of chucky 16's with good shape especially with 3 good pieces in partners response which may or may not be 4 cards. How frequent is a 2
♠ game forcing jump anyway?
2. Using 2nt as lebensohl allows you to break the relay to 3
♣ with a rock crusher and partner doesn't have to pass your (could be short?) 1
♣ openers with shapely worms.
Don't sell the dinosaurs short.
A friend of mine played with one returning to the game after decades away and when they were filling out the card and he asked Negative Doubles? The guy said No. He put down his pen and asked him about his start in Bridge.
The guy said, I had a really good partner to start but he moved to San Fran. My next partner was great too but he left for Toronto. Peter Pender and Sammi Kehela.
Years later the last few times I played against this dinosaur he was playing Kamikazee notrump and Yee Haa.