FelicityR, on 2017-April-24, 03:43, said:
Difficult little hand. Thank you Stephen for posting it. I'm inclined to ruff the ♣ in dummy and lead the ♥J at trick two, hoping that the ♥A is with West, and the ♠A is with East.
I hope to score 3 ruffs with the small♠s, AK♦, ♣A, ♥K and ♠K. By playing a ♥ at trick 2 you hope to set up an additional entry in your hand to ruff in dummy. I feel it's best to get the entry problem sorted out at trick 2 before the opponents get wise to what you are hoping to achieve. You are also trying to put West back in to lead once again into the strong hand.
If you have to hope that the
♠A is with East, isn't it better to ruff trick one and play a spade from dummy?
You have to restrict the number of tricks the defense gets in trumps to three if you want to have a decent chance.
This means you can afford spades 4-2 if the spade ace is onside and spades 3-3 if not.
Not drawing at least 2 rounds of trumps if the trump ace is onside and otherwise 3 rounds is unlikely to work against best defense.