Posted 2016-September-27, 06:39
helene_t, on 2016-September-27, 04:47, said:
Yes, we have seen this auction a few times before. The problem is that there is a gap in the GIB system here, and GIB then defaults to "when in doubt, pass".
It is probably not so easy to fix this. Ideally, "pass" would always mean something, so whenever GIB encounters a gap in its system it should pick the smallest lie which is not necesarily pass.
Alternatively, make it a rule never to pass a forcing bid, i.e. a bid that is explicitly forcing, or unlimited, or is at a lower level than to which GIB is already forced..
This is such a trivial, common, uncomplicated low level sequence for GIB not to have a defined rule to handle it
Psych (pron. saik): A gross and deliberate misstatement of honour strength and/or suit length. Expressly permitted under Law 73E but forbidden contrary to that law by Acol club tourneys.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m
ing) tr. v. - Any bid made by bridge player with which partner disagrees.
"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq