bridgepali, on 2016-June-15, 13:55, said:
Abiding by the 5cardMABBS South opens declaring having five hearts and at least 13 pts. North responds at the three level (pt. range 23-25) declaring having 11-12 pts. (8 high card and 3 card formation) and enough hearts to fill out the 5/3 requisite trump footprint. South perceiving the 5/3 requisite trump footprint is satisfied and the combined hand's have 23 pts., with the 4 pts. not declared in the opening bid, bids hearts at the four level (pt. range 26-28).
This is an obvious misunderstanding.
Beginners of natural systems learn that the sequence 1
♥ - 3
♥ shows an invitational hand with trump support and typically 11 - 12 points. Beginners also use this bid when opponents intervene but later they learn that those hands are shown by overcalling opponent's suit. So
♥ (1
♠) 2
promises trump support in
♥ and ~ 11+ points. If you play this,
♥ (1
♠) 3
must show something else, often a weak hand with additional trump support according the Law of Total Tricks. North bids 3
♥ here with a weak hand because of 4 cards in
♥, not only 3 cards. South should usually not bid more unless the South hand is very strong. Sometimes South should bid more with a suitable hand if opponents bid over 3
So what should South do with this hand?
♥ (p) 3
♥ (p): 4
♥ is perfect, accepting the invitation.
♥ (1
♠) 2
♠ (p): 4
♥ also, same thing.
♥ (1
♠) 3
♥ (p): PASS because North is weak.
♥ (p) 2
♥ (p): 3
♥ or a new suit in order to invite to game. A little bit risky but the hand is strong enough for an invitation.
♥ (1
♠) 2
♥ (p): pass now because the
♠K looks worthless, the strong spades are behind you.
bridgepali, on 2016-June-15, 13:55, said:
I also find that when the requisite trump footprint has three cards in one of the combined hands with over five cards in the other, 3 pts. can be added to that hand's point count for each card over five.
3 points sounds too much to me if you also count points for short suits, but 1 or 2 points can be justified.